I'm starting a lobby to find the nuke town mannequin easter egg. I know this isn't the customs lobby, but this will also tell you how to do it so please don't move this. You have to shoot ALL of the mannequin heads off in record time on nuke town. I need 17 people to do this. You need a mic and patience. I will explain it more in the lobby, and i will defiantly kick people if they are a problem. Send me a message on XBL if you want a invite. GT: thehatofwin Proof below. YouTube - Black Ops, Nuketown Mannequin Secret
A bit old... Already did this once. You have to shoot all mannequins (WITHIN THE PLAYABLE area, not including school bus) heads off withing 15 seconds of game start. (not including beginning countdown) It's pretty cool to do it, but not near as cool as the Eminem easter egg on Five. Killing zombies to Eminem is pretty fun.
Also, if you look on the mailboxes, each one has the name of a character from the Campaign. (Mason, Woods, etc.)
Meh, thats too much work for something that isn't that cool or funny. The way I see it, get the song and play it through your xbox from your Ipod... Or if you want it to be exactly the same, use a soundboard and play the song cleanly through your mic for everyone to hear... Then you get the same thing without needing a highly organized team to shoot heads in record time.