Hey guys I'm Jimmy and I've been a hardcore forger since i first touch halo 3. i'm a newbie to forgehub and this is my first time uploading a map to forgehub.Anyways i figured it's time to let people see what i've got. Not to brag, but i'm pretty dang good, lol. This map here is called abomination. I first started making this map with the intent of having the same look and feel of Onslaught while still making it it's own map, And i'm very happy with the outcome. I added to one of the sides and interesting idea. If you go through the lifts you will be brought to a second level, although this does make the map much bigger, there's no need to threat because the second level has a 10 second time frame. Which is barely enough time follow the blue path railing, grab the rockets, go down the rabbit hole and out through the door safe and sound. I originally created this path because i wanted rockets somewhat difficult to get, a bit of a race if you think about it. never the less this different type of field created some interesting situations during game play. i created many entrances to both bases some big and obvious, others small and surprising. For instance one side of both bases has a drop in the corner, should you need a quick escape. There's two bridges going from bases to base, one is high bridge the other is low bridge. It's a fun map, well rounded map. I look forward to the criticism :^) Weapons: 1.Needler Rifle 2.DMR 3.Shotgun 4.Rockets (I didn't want too many weapons because Onslught didn't have many, if anything i have more, lol) DOWNLOAD ºAbominationº
Ok you took pictures of the map with your camera? You need to use theater mode to take screenshots because these are just poor quality. It may be more work in the end but why cut corners on the post because its what gives people the first impression of the map, so make it a good one.
This looks like a very nice map. Im Dl'ing now and I will get back to you with gameplay Also instead of using a camera use theater for better pics
How can you tell. All he did was post horrible incomprehensible pictures of his TV with who knows what on it and promote his own map. This would be the best map in the worldd and know one would ever know because the post sucks so they would not want to DL it. If you want people to download a map, don't just write a block of text and post crappy screenshots.
Ye I was thinking the same thing. The map looks good... But the pictures are terrible. Looks like you have put a lot of work in on this map! It looks good and I will definitly DL to check it out! I would use theatre to take pictures... U also get rid of the display (energy bar etc) if you press y twice and move the camera around freely! Good job
haha, ya i was already working on fixing the pictures, i kinda feel dumb for not figuring it out before :^( lol. I'll have the new pics up in a few min [br][/br]Edited by merge: Ok so I fixed the pictures, sorry for the lack of obviousness at the start, it seemed the only criticism i got was for the dang pictures, lol. But it won't happen again :^) now.... bring on the real criticism :^) [br][/br]Edited by merge: Timmypanic, FYI i loved spire2, especially loved the throne, AWESOME!!!!! haha
I just Downloaded. Very good forging but It would've been nice to see more weapons on the map. It sucks you ran out of money...
[/QUOTE]Timmypanic, FYI i loved spire2, especially loved the throne, AWESOME!!!!! haha[/QUOTE] Nice 1 Thanks! That is nice of you to say, I have 2 newer maps out since the spire, but that was my most popular...so far! The new pictures are looking awesome! Much better now! The map looks good, haven't had chance to test it yet. But I will be back with some feedback. So far I would say that I can't see many weapons, but I have yet to play! Putting the weapons on your description would be a help and would also get you more DL's!
Timmypanic, FYI i loved spire2, especially loved the throne, AWESOME!!!!! haha[/QUOTE] Nice 1 Thanks! That is nice of you to say, I have 2 newer maps out since the spire, but that was my most popular...so far! The new pictures are looking awesome! Much better now! The map looks good, haven't had chance to test it yet. But I will be back with some feedback. So far I would say that I can't see many weapons, but I have yet to play! Putting the weapons on your description would be a help and would also get you more DL's![/QUOTE] thanks i just added in a weapons list. nothing much cause onslught didn't really have much either, and i wanted it to stay pretty close to onslught's game play. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks for noticing the effort i put into forging it. Ya the money problem is always an issue, Although i really don't think i would have added any more weapons, maybe a couple more DMRs and maybe some more grenades, but that's probably it. cause it does already have, DMR, Needler rifle, Shotgun, and Rockets. i wouldn't add much more because i wanted it to stay pretty close to Onslught's game play. and Onslught really didn't have that many weapons, if anything i think i have more, lol. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I fixed the pics, sorry, lol. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I fixed up the pics, i hoped you liked the map [br][/br]Edited by merge: [br][/br]Edited by merge: There was a lot of people who said they'd give me feedback, but i've gotten none.... lol