A Cops n Robbers map designed for you to have a good times with your buds. Sorry I Didn't include a game type but Its not hard to make one yourself. PRISON INCLUDES: Hot tub, cafeteria, shooting range, water polo arena, outdoor area with many places to hide, and much more. Here is a picture of the human spawns: HAVE FUN!
you need to embed your pictures or this thread will be locked. and one picture isnt enough for a DL. i would link you but i dont know how to link on this site
Seems like a cool concept but you really should have more pictures to show it off better. From the pictures you have it looks well built but a little bit too simple. I'm guessing you have quite a bit of budget left, try building in up a bit more, add some complexity, or touch it up with some aesthetic features. Maybe it is bigger than it looks and you don't have budget left and I'm just wrong. If that is the case, get more pictures up to show off the whole thing.
Also post a gametype. I would have no idea what to play this on. If it's not too hard then make one and post it.