vhat is this place? it apears ve hav teleported again and I am beging to suspect dey are getting suspicius of me... but I hav no hope of surviving dis vithout them. it appears zhat element 115 haz ze ability to mutate zhe appearances of objects. zhat would explain why are clothing haz changed... WHEUUU!!! zey are gatting in!!shoot zhem!! this is a custom map,not a remake. there can only be for humans(max) the humans spawn here: (room 1) (part 2 of room 1) it this room there is a dmr, needle rifle and grenades. there are 4 entrances for zombies (they can enter by the baricades or the other rooms). after 40s a ramp will spawn to enter the shotgun room, in this room there is a shotgun, a quick revive(drop sheild) perk machine. there is also a ramp to go downstaires. the zombies can enter from a hole in the roof, the main room, or downstaires. (shotgun room) downstaires there is a juggernog(armour lock) perk machine, a small room, and a exit to the courtyard. zombies can enter from the court yard, upstaires, the barrier in the small room or the wall near the ramp. in the courtyard there is a crashed falcon. (courtyard- expoding falcon) after 70s another ramp will spawn in the main room.it leads to the weapon box room (sorry no pic). after 180s a brige will spawn so you can get to the roof. on the roof there are many weapons and there is a sheild door to seperate the roof from the zombie spawn. (brige zone) (roof) in the zombie spawn there are numbered teleporter to get to the different barriers, and a hole in the roof to get to the shotgun room. this map was very fun to make and test. thanks to Bionic juice, bluebelt, pedropwnage and there freinds for the help testing it and thanks to cart0graph for the weapon box idea. i hope you have fun playing it (note: elites dont fit through the barriers) and if you know what das tor means in english leave it in the comments for a cookie .
its 'the gate' ill post again if i can get my friend to DL right now my live account is on the fritz.