This is the first of the Forge-hub exclusive Pancake Pair Pack! (Featuring Temple and Core - Core which I will be posting later on.) This map was created over the past week, and playtested for a brief period amongst friends and myself. Without further delay, I introduce: Temple! A Pancake pushing Lee off from the jump onto the temple. The temple features a large, single-room interior with struts lining the bottom floor to the altar (which has two 0 spare clip rockets.) There is a shield door in the main entrance, and several ways to leave the room to go up to the second floor. The second floor is home to several DMRs, a Needle Rifle, grenades, and the spawn of blue team during objective games. The front has a firing position for shooting down onto the bridge, and shooting towards the rocks. The area directly outside the temple holds the ramps and grav lifts to the upper levels. On the roof, the focus rifle can be found, along with a Heavy Machine Gun to fire upon the people outside. The bottom area of the map is very simple - there is an energy sword, two health packs, and two ways into the temple above. It can be accessed through the tunnels on the side of the bridge outside. The outside of the map is a small area, with a grenade launcher located below the bridge, a sniper on top of the tall rock in the center (accessible by a ramp of flat rocks marked by pillar rocks). This is the starting area for attackers for 1-flag and 1-bomb, and Red team's base and initial spawn is outside (with blue's stuff inside.) Temple is equipped to work with basic gametypes except Invasion gametypes and Race. It generally plays nice for custom gametypes - although it is better for 1-flag and 1-bomb rather than 2-flag and 2-bomb. I would suggest at least 6 players for team games as well. If you guys could give me some constructive feedback, it would be appreciated! Temple: The worst kind of congregation. (4 - 12 players). 7 DMRs. 5 Assault Rifles. 1 Grenade Launcher. 3 Magnums. 2 Rocket Launchers (0 spare clips). 1 Sniper Rifle. 1 Mounted Machinegun. 5 Concussion Rifles 1 Energy Sword 1 Focus Rifle 8 Needle Rifles 4 Needlers 3 Plasma Repeatrs 2 Spikers 4 Plasma Rifles 20 Plasma Grenades. 16 Frag Grenades.
That is a lot of grenades. A lot. You may want to think a bit harder about the weapon set. Many maps have one or two sets of frags and a few plasma grenades spread in key locations. Because grenades have a shorter respawn time and many times players die with grenades on their person, grenades are usually never in short supply. I see you also have 5 concussion rifles and 8 needle rifles. Same with assault rifles. I am unsure of how large your map's combat spaces are based on your pictures, but I don't think you need this many weapons. Try limiting yourself to one of each power weapon and two of each other weapon (despite DMRS or needle rifles). Your map looks interesting and decently well thought out. Mess with the weapons and this could be pretty awesome!