Abstracted Long story short...This is my first and only racetrack! I hate, with a passion, making racetracks. I just wanted to to try it on halo reach since on halo 3 forging was just so complicated. Overall this map took around a good 2 solid days of forging. Track runs very smoothly with very little bumps As you may or may not know I hate describing my maps in writing so here are some pictures!
A nice one for a first racetrack, although I've seen much better tracks. Yours is kinda short and the others have more variety.
Thank you, yes this track is short unlike others and does lack some variety. I guess I was kinda aiming it to be a fun, fast pace track. EDIT: As you can see in one of the pictures it takes roughly 30.00 sec. to complete one lap :/
Wish it had more twists and turns. Short oval tracks can be kinda dull. Still, it's a very smooth, well flowing racetrack, so you have my props as far as that goes.
This map looks very smooth, and well made! However it looks incredibly short! I think you have forge talent, just embelish on your maps to use your full potentioal!-CoookkieMonster
Im going to download it right now and check it out, If you played Halo 3 its looks like my map Meltdown 2 that i got on Bungie Favs in '08. If you look at mine then this, It has a resembince.