I have built a couple of random boxes now and realised its no good building something no one will use so im looking for what people who might use one think it should be like e.g how much it should cost (not including price of weapons) how small it should be how simple it should be how it should be activated, press a button, use a nade or just go thought a tele i will use this and make a box as close as Possible to the what you think [FONT="] [/FONT]
First off, don't do teleporters. Having yourself randomly teleport into the great beyond takes players out of an otherwise realistic [Infection?] experiance. Next, the "use a nade" system has already been brought up, so there's no point in treading those waters anymore. If you can come up with an interesting way to use vehicle-flipping (X-button) that works on the ground floor, then you might be able to get somewhere. Also, simplicity is key. Most people base their opinions of a map's features on what they experianced the first time through. If a Random Weapons Box requires extensive knowledge or instruction to use, then it goes against this point, and ruins play with inexperianced individuals. Also, please dont wast my time with pointless answers. What the hell? This site isn't really known for misinformation. When you take authority without having any, you come accross as something of a douche. Please, try and refrain.
thanks for the input i know what you mean about the teles i was just trying to keep it broad. i dont know what you mean about the nades because as far as i can tell no one has build one that uses nades on halo reach. sorry if my post offended you
There was a post about a month back (Edit: there were two) that used a Grenade based system to open up the boxes. They even had a Grenade spawn after a little while to act as CoD:WaW's "currency" system in **** Zombies. I'll try and get up a link. Edit: OMFG I finally found it.
They're basically the same thing, and I'm still pretty sure that there was a grenade-based Random Weapons Box somewhere on the site. Damned it all be if I can't find that link : (
ok i built one its 450 without weapons its like a big L 3 high and 2 wide it uses a punch from the player and hold x it has no reset time so no waiting for it to be ready it also recycles the weapons you swap for the ones in the box its very easy to make it might take 5 mins, you will spend more time filling it with weapons then building it. let me know what you think. did you say the one you were looking for was about 1 month old i did build one in a **** zombies map about that time and it used nades.