Predator Ninja

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Monolith, Nov 20, 2010.

  1. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    He's watching you.

    What is Predator?

    I've always thought Predator was underrated. For those of you who don't know what it is, it's a game that captures the predator alien quality from the movies: Predator, Predator 2, AvP, and AvP 2. Quite simply, the zombie has good camo, is fast, can jump high, and has low health, while the humans have no shields, no motion tracker, and are poor jumpers.

    Gametype Specifics:

    *Note that the humans are the zombies and the zombies are the humans. That's the only way the gametype works.

    -Time limit: 10 min
    -Everyone has 1 life per round

    I personally like this because it gives you a chance to see what everyone's up to when you die. Plus it's pretty funny being able to see/hear peoples' reactions

    • Actual Human Traits:
    -Damage resistance: 50%
    -No shields
    -Shield recharge rate: Normal
    -Health recharge rate: 200% faster
    -Damage modifier: 150%
    -Weapons: Assault rifles and pistols
    -Unlimited ammo: Disabled
    -Speed: 100%
    -Jump height: 75%
    -Motion tracker mode: OFF

    • Actual Infected Traits:
    -Damage resistance: 50%
    -Normal shields
    -Shield recharge rate: 150% faster
    -Health recharge rate: 110% faster
    -Damage modifier: 300%
    -Melee modifier: 300%
    -Weapons: Energy sword
    -Unlimited ammo: Enabled
    -Speed: 150%
    -Jump height: 200%
    -Equipment: SPRINT (unlimited)
    -Motion tracker mode: Enhanced
    -Range: 75 meters
    -Good camo


    Click spoiler:
    • Humans
    -Stay together and use teamwork.
    -Don't be afraid to waste ammo! You'll wish you had when you're stuck watching others play.

    • Predator
    -Mess with their heads! Have a little fun, circle around them, push fusion coils off of high ledges, assassinate.
    -Don't go towards the huge crowds. As obvious as this might seem, some players still don't get this even after their 3rd or 4th time playing..


    It may look a bit messy because, well, that's how predator maps should be (at least imo)

    Here's a gif of the speed reducer:


    Gameplay Pics:


    In case you missed it:

    Download Predator v3.1
    Download Ninja v3


    (feedback is greatly appreciated)

    #1 Monolith, Nov 20, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2010
  2. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    First, I see Predator and ninja in the same sentance. Then, I see the vanguard with 1000+ posts who made it...

    This is gonna be sick...

    After reading the post, I return to state that you permitted a high resemblence to the generic Predator gametype. My question is, what sets it apart? I mean, it obviosly plays better, but that's it? It seems far too similar to the others, thus missing a longsight degree of originality, but it still looks like it plays amazingly.

    I'm not saying that this doesn't look flipping spectacular, I'm just saying I was hoping for something a little...*thinks*...better. 7/10

    (PS: I was first download...awesome)

    #2 Confused Flamingo, Nov 20, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2010
  3. MattV01

    MattV01 Forerunner

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    All I can say is Wow. This map was clearly and thoroughly thought out. You did an amazing job creating a predator game (nice idea by the way). Just one thing you need to fix. Jumping. The humans have 75% and the predator has a whopping 200%. I don't know if you know this, but in Halo, the higher the gravity, the heavier. If you were trying to have humans horrible jumpers and the predators amazing jumpers, then you need to swap the gravity percentages from 75% to 200% for the humans and 200% to 75% for the predators. And once again, nice map! ;D

    Until next time,

  4. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    @Confused Flamingo
    Lol as much as I enjoy positive feedback, please don't base the map quality off of the poster :p

    Had to say it :p

    Anywho, what makes it unique?

    Well, I can think of an answer in two ways..

    First, gametype:

    • Predator has sprint
    • Assassinations
    • New camo (more difficult for predator)
    • Pistols instead of assault rifles
    Second, map:

    • Humans can reach most (if not all) the areas on the map that the predator can reach, as compared to the other predator maps that only lets the predator reach high spots
    • What does this do? The predator has to watch his back too
    Did that answer it? :)

    I think you're thinking of player gravity not jump height :p

    Edit: Made this:

    #4 Monolith, Nov 20, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2010
  5. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I think I get it now, and I think I see where you went with this. It IS different, I just had unfair expectations.

    Sorry 'bout that, man, and good job!

  6. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No problem. Thanks!

    Has anyone else played this?? I'd like a bit more feedback on gameplay. I mean I spent a good month and a half getting this forged, tested, and finally posted. It's a shame that maps that have so much effort put into them go down the list because people don't reply..
    #6 Monolith, Nov 24, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2010
  7. wompy

    wompy Forerunner

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    yeah... Black Ops stole most of my Halo playing friends too...

    I remember playing predator in Halo 3 and I loved it so I hope I can get my friends back long enough for a game of this...
  8. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    You definitely should! stupid black ops, I don't even have it yet, but i've played it. **** zombies was pretty fun. Anyways, well doesn't anyone have comments just from the post? ... maybe I should come up with questions.

    I think that will help.. okay, soo:
    -Do you like the speed reducer?
    -Have you played Predator before?
    -How do you like the layout? Is there enough cover?
    -Is it too random? Do you think there should be a more specific theme?

    And just something random:
    -If you've played Predator, what do you like most about it?

    I realize these are mainly opinion-based, but I think they can help me determine a nice layout if I make another predator map.
  9. I Killed Kenny

    I Killed Kenny Forerunner

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    I like the map a lot but in my humble opinion I think you could add a little more theme into this. I'm all about the intensity of a game, and this one had solid cover, but it also felt a little open, not very ninja-predator like. What I loved about predator was playing in the winding hallways and darkened corners, with less time to react to your opponent. Just something you should try out on your next one.
  10. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, that really helps. Windy hallways, I like it. I played the original and I thought it was really fun, except it had too many camping spots. I'll definitely work on that
    #10 Monolith, Nov 28, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2010

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