Forge World Spire

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Heffcrew, Nov 27, 2010.

  1. Heffcrew

    Heffcrew Forerunner

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    Forge World Spire:
    Invasion Game Type (All gametpes will be available in version 2)
    12-16 Players
    Sup y'all! I've been a busy beaver working on this new map that is more or less a Spire inspired (lol) map. It places the Elites as the attackers and Spartans on the defensive. Elites objective, retrieve the core and get it to the covenant submarine for extraction.


    Overview with me on the side

    Elite Tier One Spawn with platform leading to Elite Submarine (NO ITS NOT A WRAITH!!!!)(P.S. don't try and get in this submarine)

    Spartan Spawn Zone

    Tier One Objectives found on top of the two pyramids, once Elite capture this objective, the mancannon's in the center of the spire are unlocked.

    Once Tier One objectives are captured, this side path is opened to create an alternate route to the second story of the Spire.

    Tier Two Objectives located at both the small satellites, mancannon's from tier one lead to the center block. Once these objectives are captured, the center mancannon's are unlocked which leads to the third story of the Spire. Weapons and Vehicles unlocked for both sides.

    Third Story of Spire. Core found inside. Additional Vehicles and weapons unlocked.

    Interior of the Third Story. Mancannon's from Tier 2 lead to the center of the room. Elites can land vehicles on roof to counter any campers.

    Final Overview. Once Elites retrieve the Core, they need to bring it back to the Submarine platform shown above.

    Remember, as of right now, only Invasion is compatible with this map.

    Thanks for reading and do leave comments for I'm sure they'll be some flaws with the spawns and stuff (Creating a compatible invasion map is a beeeyyyyaatchhhh). I'll try and get a video uploaded if I get around to it. Thanks again.
    #1 Heffcrew, Nov 27, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2010
  2. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Make sure the link for your map leads ONLY to the map link, not your map and pictures (other things in your File Share).

    Forge World Spire

    ^ This is what you want.
  3. bbusath5

    bbusath5 Forerunner

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    Back to the Basics-I like it

    Looks like a good invasion map. Thank goodness this one is back to the basics with elites attacking and also a map that isn't biased with falcons (I like falcons just as much as the next guy, but they are just SO unbalanced when more than 2 are added) Also, that spire you created looks great.
  4. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    I love the layout of this map. This is one of the most well worked invasion templates. A center objective that must be capped and easy and quick ways to get up to it. The spire is awesome, nuff said and I cannot wait to play it with invasion. BTW does the mancannon label INV-MANCANNON Work with this map to get you to the spire?
  5. Heffcrew

    Heffcrew Forerunner

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    Unfortunately, the label INV-MANCANNON is only compatible with Spire with the invasion gametype. The mancannon's in this map are just regular Heavy-Mancannons, one pair on the first floor and the second on the second floor. P.S. thanks for all the great comments everyone!

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