Fended is a map designed for SWAT and Objective games. It is only on the inside of Rats Nest, but it changes it a bit geometry wise by adding new shooting positions and more cover. On the default setting, dual wielding is the main focus but there are single wields. SMG starts recommended, 2-12 players. Weapons List: 4 smgs 4 spikers 4 maulers 4 magnums 4 PRs 2 PPs 6 BRs(60 respawn) 1 sniper(1 clip 90 respawn) 1 shotty(1 clip 90 respawn) 1 brute shot(2 clips 30 respawn, but only reachable using grav lift) 6 stickies 1 bubble shield 1 deployable cover 1 grav lift 1 needler. Onto pics: Overview of flag room Overview of second room. Looking into the second room. Maulers Spawn at the back of the tunnel. Overview of Main room from sniper spawn. At the back is where the shotty spawns and ontop of the bride is the Brute shot. Using a shooting position Pics are up! The map is symettrical, so it is the same for the other side.
None of your screenshots work except the first one.... Wish I could see it man. You might want to consider hosting all of your pics on an image site first, bungie never works that well, even though I see nothing wrong with your BBCode.
nice job Wii, i remember testing 2(1)v2 swat game with you, you kept killing me cause you knew all the hiding spots but it was still fun.
As far as I know there are no Hiding spots, Im just that good at SWAT, or do you meen cover? The map is breakable, when testing 2v2 with Ivory, the other player on my team just wacked 1 box for the whole game trying to get out, after about 10 minutes he did.
It's nice to see some good-olde non-foundry maps here! Looks pretty good. Reminds me of that FH map, The Cellars.
I've never actually seen Cellars, but I know the gist of it so it was my inspiration(and I love SWAT).
i'll have to have a look, but it looks like it would be good for SWAT, which i like i'll give it a download! on the 'SWAT' note, i playing SWAT totally ****s with your Halo'ing skills ... cause you get used to having a twitchy headshot finger ... letting loose single bursts with the BR ... then you go back to MM and you suck.
It works with all gametypes (a bit iffy about FFA), but SWAT is my favorite gametype EVAR! I ffind it has helped with my sniping though.
Dude this map looks like -blam-... Im kidding or am i.. ಠ_ಠ It does look good though. I dont want to download cause im too lazy.... Is there any interlock?
How is it bad that I cant interlock? Interlocking is meant to be a tool not a feature, but it looks like the replies have been positive so far.