Hello fine Forgehub patrons. I would like to take you on a tour of my latest creation, The Venetian. I recommend playing One Flag, and Team Slayer for best results, but it plays most everything except for Race and Invasion. In this overview shot, the attackers spawn in the far right building (The Apartments), while the defenders spawn in the bottom left building (A Tower). The Sniper Rifle spawns right where the image is cut off on the bottom (in The Park). The Rockets spawn in The Gazebo, near the middle of the map, while the Shotgun can be found inside the middle building (The Plaza). You will also find two Grenade Launchers on the map, one in each base, as well as various DMRs, Needle Rifles, and a few covey weapons thrown in to spice it up a bit. Here are some more shots showing the map a bit closer. Looking from attacker side, towards A Tower A view of A Tower The Fountain between A and B Towers Looking at B Tower Looking at The Gazebo from The Plaza A view of The Plaza (nice evasive jump!). Here's a couple more action shots: A foiled flagrun A leisurely stroll through the park Special Thanks I really wanted to thank every single tester that played a game on my map, gave suggestions, or broke stuff, but there's no way I could remember everyone, so here's a few people whom I specifically remember: Rusty Eagle, Xanon, Capton Furgler, Insane54, Titmar, Presipope, Vorpal Saint, R0CKET M00SE, sleazy grandma, stickmanmeyhem, Cosmic Rick, LT Ambrose 26, Tender Bisquit, philthyphillip, Black Theorem, Draw the Line, Ezekiel20five17, IrishRebalA07, LIGHTSOUT225, LOL zombie, Epic Tusk, Philly100000, Pegasi Delta, siberian w0lf, squidhands, Tranzaction Zero, Vicous Vice, MickRaider, Bloo Jay and Viking. That list was actually much longer than I expected to remember... Sorry for anyone who was left out, including you GRIFFIN XIII, send me a PM if you feel like I forgot you. Thanks for everything guys, I couldn't have done it without you. Seriously. Download Now
Awesome Dev! I'm glad to see you got this posted. Without sounding cliche, The Venetian actually does have a perfect balance of aesthetics and gameplay. While I haven't had the chance yet to play all gametypes, for the ones I have played (1 Flag, and Oddball come to mind) we're awesome. Well balanced, with distinctive landmarks so I won't get lost... It happens. I can't wait to get some more customs in on it, and all I can say is it better win the Forgetacular contest!
1 Flag is so amazingly good on this map. the balance of everything is just perfect, and it better damn well be after all that testing!! Devinish tested the every living crap out of this map. i'd be willing to bet there was around 100 games played in testing. it really shows, the map plays beautifully. i think you did a good job of capturing a sort of relic feel with the map. what i mean by that is the hard capture, hard escape way that the defense base is designed. it really takes a good team effort to get that flag out of the second floor and into the main area so you can pass it back to the capture point. one of my favorite things was to take the flag and then drop down by the fountain as an escape route. in fact, the multiple routes in general are another one of my favorite parts of the map. i think im rambling now so ill just wrap it up and say all in all, great job. like philthyphilip said, perfect balance of aesthetics and gameplay.
Hate to hop on the bandwagon, but yes; perfect balance and gameplay, yada-yada. My first game on Venetian was a real treat. Here I am playing on this beautifully crafted urban environment that, honestly, plays as good as it looks. Venetian is the sort of map I'd wished to have seen ship on disc. Well done sir.
Man. I remember when this map was just nothing but three random Wall Col' on floating above the water with a bridge that looked cool. That was a long time ago. lol. For real though, this map has come so far from that, and it really is one of the best maps out right now (IMO). I gotta say I haven't played everything there is to be played, but Slayer, 1-Flag (even 1-bomb) was really fun. I'll be sure to play it in some custom games once I can get a party together. Oh, well, the one thing this map could use is a tree (or two) in the park. 2/5 (needs moar trees)
This is great stuff. Definitely one of the best forged maps I've played on so far. All of the major areas are so easy to identify that I don't have to spend a whole lot of time trying to figure out where I am and where to go, and that's such a huge deal for me. One Flag plays wonderfully on this, I hope it gets all the attention it deserves.
Very very good map dev, this has to be one of my favorite maps so far. You did a wonderful job of fusing great gameplay with great aesthetics to make an awesome map. 1 flag is just awesome... but my favorite thing about the entire map are the benches in the park, those are just awesome!, i actually really really like the park... Great job on another awesome map.
Wow. The aesthetics are absolutely stunning. I think I stared at the benches too long, that was my first death on the map. But seriously, this was by far the best map I played at TGIF tonight. Absolutely awesome gameplay, plus the crazy aesthetics equals epic map. Well worth the download, and great job.
Killer Played slayer on it a couple of times last night. Plays awesome and yes I agree the aesthetics are good enough to be distracting. Sight lines are esp good. When I DLed it it had an orange filter on it. Not sure if thats what you intended cause pics have no filter. Whatever removed it anyway and everyone really enjoyed it> MRX WHERE EAGLES DARE
The Orange filter is for Infection games only. Don't worry about it showing up in normal games. Thanks for the positive reviews guys.
This is definitely a map of the fantastic sort. You never cease to amaze me Devinish with your continually fantastic content. I wish you the best of luck with your Forgetacular Submission. As a gameplay note, this map plays well for everything. Although One flag is where it shines, everything else is a good time anyway. (Even the Infection gametype is great) Keep on forging dude.
Ah, I remember playing this at TGIF a couple weeks ago. When the map first loaded, I was amazed at the aesthetics that I was walking into. The middle of the map reminded me of New Mombassa and ODST, and I loved the architecture that the game held. When we played on it, flags were quite hard to get out of the apartments, but I'm almost positive that you said you were going to fix that. Besides from that, the weapons all fit nicely together with each other and there was almost always a way to counter another. This map, now that I see it's released, is staying on my Hard Drive for quite a long time. 4/5.
Yeah awesome! Seriously though I love this map! One thing I've always had trouble with is coming up with an idea for something, than not being able to make it aesthetically work, so it ends up just being a map. You on the other hand have created something that is not only fun to play, but has visuals to go along with a park. It's really great, and you used those coliseum walls like a pro! There was also some extracurricular Halo Reach physics testing that went down on this map, totally awesome =P
The pictures you have of this map really don't do it justice. And I definitely enjoyed playing objective games on the map (minus the assault game we tested =P). There really isn't much to be said that hasn't been already, so I just recommend downloading it right now.
Yeah, I made some tweaks to assault, and fixed those pesky spawn issues we were having. Assault plays MUCH better imo, one of my favorite gametypes now. Thanks for the feedback
I'm glad this map got some front page attention, it definitely deserves it. I look forward to voting for this map in a community playlist in the future.
Now THIS (is Sparta?) was a fun map to test. I like the changes you've made since RC5 (BTW I feel forgotten ) There were some pretty damn intense games of One Flag and Bomb was fun too, but I hope you moved the Bomb Plant (Plaza side) from where it was before, that was a ***** to get to. All in all, I really enjoyed the map. 4.75/5 .25 lost because you forgot me and the fact that you can still fall into your fountain xD
wow this actually looks incredible. I was blown away by the originality of this map. The concept is amazing with it being based on the streets of Venice. I am sure it plays amazingly from the looks and I am downloading right now.
Beautiful map but there are a couple of things that need to be fixed. It has a lot of lag at red base if u look in the direction of the bar were the grenade launcher is, and a little bit at the blue base when looking where 2 tower pieces intersect. mostly fine at blue base, but wen i spawned on red that was the first place i looked and it went nuts, especially with orange on. i took off orange and it worked much better, i think although it looks great, orange brings down the appearance cuz it increases lag wen looking n certain directions