Map Description: Many have tried and failed to come up with a valid purpose for this phenomenon. Weapon List: DMR x4 (45 sec.) Needle Rifle x2 (45 sec.) Assault Rifle x2 (30 sec.) Plasma Repeater x2 (60 sec.) Needler x2 (60 sec.) Plasma Pistol x1 (90 sec.) Overshield x1 (90 sec. does not spawn at start) Grenade Launcher x1 (120 sec. 5 shots) Shotgun x1 (120 sec. 6 shots) Health Pack x2 (5 sec.) Inspired by my favorite Reach map yet, Sequence, Ponder is a small, 3-story map, filling one corner of the coliseum in Forge World. It's made for 4v4 Team Slayer games or 8-man FFA games, which may be little too hectic for some people. Also, a few changes have been made since the screenshots were taken. Lots of thanks to thehatofwin and other people from the Testers Guild for the ideas for those few changes. Anyway, I find it hard to describe a map so on to the pictures... Balcony: The third story, contains 2 needle rifles, 2 DMRs, a plasma repeater and an overshield. Red spawn: The second story, the forward hallway leads to the grenade launcher and under this picture is the hallway to the plasma pistol and the shotgun. Blue Spawn: The second floor, again, the forward to the grenade launcher and to the right is the shotgun, a plasma repeater and the plasma pistol. Also has a Jump pad, credit to iTs NeXn. Atrium: The bottom floor, contains 2 DMRs, 2 assault rifles, a shotgun, and a plasma pistol.
I just looked through this in Forge and it looks like a nicely made map. Everything is clean and well put together. I'm kinda surprised this doesn't have any comments yet. It seems pretty balanced from just walking though it. I'd be interested to see if the upper levels become to over powered though.
The Tester's Guild people said it was pretty balanced, I haven't gotten a real game going on it yet, but i tried to balance it as well as possible from the mess around game I played with 2 friends the battles didn't seem to find one specific spot they would stay in. Everyone kept moving. And I suppose it has no comments because the original post didn't have a thumbnail, which usually forces people away from the thread... Anyway thanks. I hope you can get a game going and get me some feedback!
Finally got a game played on this. Overall it wasn't too shabby. I enjoyed the layout and looks of everything. Some people complained about spawns, but I didn't notice it too much. The map was very close quartered which made grenade spam very irritating. There is a little escape pit that you have with rocks at the bottom and I thought it would have worked better if you could survive the fall =\. The jump pad wasn't my favorite and didn't work very well. You could make a lift against the wall that the jump pad is near to easily achieve the same thing.
First off, thanks for the feedback. I did place a slanted rock at the bottom of the pit, which is there to break you fall. It obviously didn't work too well, I just updated it so it should be fairly hard to miss. The jump pad has now been taken out and replaced with a grav lift. Also, did the jetpack feel overwhelming? That was the main complaint of the Tester's Guild.
I don't think anyone really used the jetpack much so I wouldn't know. Is the grav lift in the open or more near the wall? If you made a type of lift that is on the wall (think guardian gold lift) that propelled you up to the second level instead of just running into the grav lift and directing yourself. IF you have the lift doing the directing then it should work correctly. Jump pads (the way I see them) only work in situations where you are running onto the jump pad so it flows with where you were moving towards in the first place. In your situation you have to turn around and lift yourself up to the second story, which is easier accomplished with a lift.
I understand. And the lift is open, I dont know what to compare it to. However all you do is walk into it and it shoots you up there, it isnt like Sword Bases middle one. And I would close it off but I dont have the supplies. Also, the dl link hasnt been updated yet, I will do that tomarrow probably. Anyway thanks.
Hi Im Titmar. I got a chance to play on this today! First off, I like your forging style. The map definitely looks cool. I like the little window/door things you have going on, and im also a big fan of the verticality of it. We played a 3V3 slayer match on it. The game turned out to be a little unbalanced, but it was mostly due to the teams not the map. The only negative thing i have to say about the map is regarding the flow. All of us agreed that we felt disoriented in most parts of the map. we weren't sure where we were, or where we were in relation to where we had just been. Its not gamebreaking, the map was still fun to play. But I'd say for some advice on your next map, to try and focus more on player flow, and recognizable locations and player orientation. To any other viewing the thread though, dont let that discourage you from a DL, this was a pretty cool map and i enjoyed it. I'll check out your next one for sure, and im gonna save this one to get some better games in on it later. I saved the film of the 3V3 as well, if you want it let me know.
First off, thanks for giving some real feedback. I'm glad you enjoyed the map. As for your orientation problem, how many games did you play on it? Because everyone I played it with never got lost after the first game. And since you said unbalanced, whether it was teams or not, I would like to point out that I timed the span it take from red spawn to gun & blue spawn to gun, and they mostly all evened out within 1 or less second(s). Anyways, thanks! Hope you can get a game on my newest few maps and give me some more feedback! Umm, I just clicked the link and it worked, not having been updated since you posted that reply, I'm pretty sure your computer or something messed up, not my link.