Oblivion, yeah I could see that. I typically stay away from mods from RPG's. But FPS mods are completely different. My favorite would probably be Halo Modding. What was made when it was in it's prime was pretty awesome. It was essentially like a glorified Forge. A lot of it was just people placing objects down to make arenas and structures, some of it was skinning, and there was the small percent who knew how to tweak it to add some original content in there like machines in Halo 2. Yeah, some people had no idea what they were doing and they'd place pistols that shot tankshells and plasma pistols that shot wraith projectiles at 30 projectiles a second, but for every bad mod there was a really cool one. Take this video for instance: YouTube - Halo 2: Why We Mod I'm more of a PC gamer. I rarely play games on my Xbox except for the Halo games. The only thing that lead me to get a 360 was for Halo 3, and the fact that I knew Bungie wouldn't stop there. Generally I'm just feel more in control with a keyboard and mouse, it's just more comfortable to me. I like the fact that PC's are more open ended than consoles. You're restricted to what you can do on a console. Take for instance, there's thousands of free games out there for computers. A lot of them are really fun, it just takes a while to find the good ones. On the subject of games, they're cheaper. Usually by $10, and if I can save money, I'm going to do it. Gaming is a pretty expensive hobby, and I'd like to do what I can to minimize what I'm spending. I usually wait until games are only about $30 before I buy them on the Xbox. I'm not going to say either is better, because playing games on the computer is a pretty different experience from playing on the xbox. I haven't really become fully used to playing Halo 2 Vista after playing it on the Xbox for so long. There are things I like about consoles, and there are things I like about computers. But I will say this, people on computers are typically more mellow. When I'm in matchmaking, the first thing I do is mute everyone because they get on my nerves. On the computer I seldom mute people. The only time I use my mic is when I'm in a party with other people.
You could add that PC games are cheaper than their console counterparts, and in my opinion there isnt a PC game i own that hasnt had it's play value exponentially increaased by mods, tweaks or add-on content. However for New Vegas, DLC has been confirmed for 360 release only, for the time being. That's a bit of a hit for the PC market, when developers are more inclined to focus on consoles for mass market sales than PC gamers for real gameplay value. Its really a question of capacity and compromose. PC's always have the capacity to be better, you can have the same technology (VoIP, Controller) and much more, but it does cost. Consoles weren't initially developed as a mainstream compromise, but i think that's what the Xbox sits at now. It's about bringing games to the living room tv, not necessarily about gaming at it's heart.
See that's the only thing about PC that I absolutely hate. Sometimes developers aren't willing to put forth the effort to give PC gamers the full experience, even though they did for the previous game. Fallout 3 has all the expansions on PC, but apparently New Vegas doesn't? Also like how Bungie released Halo PC, and Halo 2 Vista, but they aren't releasing Halo 3 or Reach for it? I realize Halo 2 Vista didn't make as much sales, but that was their fault for making it Vista exclusive. It would have done a lot better had they just made it universal. That, and it's really buggy. I don't mind exclusive games like how Crysis was exclusive to PC, or some xbox game was exclusive to xbox, but it pisses me off when developers make something PC compatible and just leave it in the dust later on without any warning. If I had bought Vegas for PC and later learned that I should have gotten it for Xbox, I can't say I'd be too happy at all. But they also do the same for consoles. When the new Aliens vs Predator game came out, it was buggy as hell. It was pretty terrible. They released a few PC patches, and maybe one console patch, and after that they decided to cut off support for consoles all together. Neither console or PC is better than the other. Both of them face similar problems, and their advantages/disadvantages even out pretty well. The reason I play both is because I like both systems. I tend to lean more for PC, but that's just because I'm more accustomed to PC gaming. It offered online gaming before consoles really did, and it's where I got into FPS at all.
I am mainly a PC gamer and I want to squish some myths 1)Cost: If you go onto Dell or Alienware's websites and look at the computers you will assume that all gaming rigs are several thousand dollars for some thing that has hardware that would not be very high end. The solution, build it your self! My rig cost me just over $1000 (Canadian money) to build my self from the ground up, the same machine from Dell.ca would cost over 3 times that amount! The $1000 price tag is not that big of a deal when you consider the fact that most people pay almost that much for a computer from dell that can only surf the internet and write word documents. 2)Hackers: when some people think of PC gaming they instantly think of Aim Bots, wall hacks, and other general fun killers. To set this clear there are hacks on PC, but there are also hacks on consoles, I have been Aim Botted more times on xbox live that I have been on any PC game. 3)People: Another misconception is that all PC gamers are jerks. To be perfectly honest almost everyone I have played with has been nice, after every game ends in black ops the text bar fills with people saying "GG", every time I have had a question about a map in TF2 I will get a helpful response without some twelve year old calling me a "****ing idiot".
To clarify, the DLC will be available on PC (and PS3), to my knowledge, just later. It's just microsofts bullshit tactic that they always do (GTA being a good example) to get a bit more money in the bag. Kind of stupid when NV is Windows game. Either way, the dlc will be available officially or unoficially somewhere down the line. ---- And PC games are sooo much more chilled out, so much more willing to talk and spend time helping you out or whatever. The PC crowd make Xbox players look like caffiene and steroid addicts.
Computers Pros - Larger communities Games usually allow for dedicated servers Games can be modded Cons - Systems are all different System environments are unreliable Hacking Consoles Pros - Powerful systems but cheap Systems use the same hardware Stable environment Cons - Games are more expensive The security invites hackers to try break it
True, however I would much prefer almost endless customization in the form of mods rather than one DLC. If the xbox could be modded with game expanding mods, I would happily play it all day long. But unless you have a JTAG, you cant. Hence why PC has an edge.
My argument isn't that mods are bad..it's that you can't claim they're such a positive. It's like saying Bobby's house is really fun because he has free coke. Coke is fun, but you gotta use it in moderation or then all your fun is gone. Also, I'm not talking about Battlefield 2 I'm talking about competitive FPS. No, you wouldn't want to play 4v4 battlefield, but 32 or 80 player Halo isn't competitive.
You can never stop the hacking, hacking is in every game. I feel more comfortable sitting on my couch playing Halo then on my computer. Like someone has said, PS3 and Xbox do some bullshit to attract others to the game (DLC). So if you follow their bullshit and like it, I guess you can say its better than PC. If your a dev, you can simulate games from PC to console. It really depends what you feel comfortable with.
PC Gaming in my opinion IS better. In almost every way. The only problem is that it's expensive. So if you're the nice cheap kind of person, go with a console.
Also with a console system everyone is using the same hardware, so there's a level playing field between player's processing power.
it depends what your friends play, as i've found with myself. computers DO cost a lot of money, there's no doubt about it, there's countless upgrades coming out every month that outdates a computer in no time. consoles usually have bigger screens; televisions. consoles are somewhat high end computers in a small box. you're able to buy keyboard/mouse compatibility converters for the 360, though i'm not sure how well they'd run. games aren't expensive for either of the systems..paying 85+ for a game is silly either way, i got reach for 37.
Sorta true, though exaggerated a lot seeing that its the same with consoles except there is no option to upgrade them PC's can use televisions Consoles ARE NOT high end, they were outdated when they came out Thats a bannable offense
Although it would be nice to have blu-ray compatiblity, there really isnt that much point in upgrading, seeing as the picture from an xbox is really quite nice. PCs can use televisions...but barely anyone does, and is usually uncomfortable. 360 with nice graphics - 300, computer with medium graphics - 1000. ebay?
uhh no you can get a PC with better graphics than an xbox for much less than 1000 (the xbox graphics card is roughly equal to a geforce 7800) and considering that you will be needing a pc anyway it adds up also xbl costs money which it really shouldn't
for hardcore gaming, computers are the way to go except most people are all for casual play, with a bit of competitiveness. 360s are 4 years old now and still maintain pleasing graphics, whereas a pc 4 years old is turned to utter **** (like mine), due to all of the updates and how intensive games are nowadays. you can get a pc with better graphics than an xbox for much less than 1000, except it becomes outdated within months. xbl costs around 45 for pc uses, get a mac.