
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by makisupa007, Nov 25, 2010.

  1. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Created by: Makisupa 007

    Icculus is a medium to large map located along the rock cliffs including the cave on the side of the gulch. Most gametypes are supported, but it was designed for asymmetrical gametypes like One Flag and One Bomb. Blue team spawns in the caves and must advance to Red's imposing, semi-opaque stronghold. Because the Red base is see through on the front side, it makes sneaking up on the defenders much more difficult. You will have to time your attacks with your team and approach from multiple angles at once. There are entrances on the sides of the base on levels one and two, and a small opening below the glass wall directly in front of the base. The centerpiece of the Red Base is a circular glowing generator in the center of the structure attached to a large extension bridge. if you can make your way in on the lower level there are two lifts on either side of the bridge that will put you very close to the objective. Blue does have an advantage in the sniper rifle, which spawn right outside of the cave on a tower in the corner of the map. Try and stay back with it though. It's pretty deadly if Red gets a hold of it inside the base. Good luck breaking their defenses!​
















    Please enjoy Icculus. Comments and feedback are appreciated.

    #1 makisupa007, Nov 25, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2010
  2. BHW Dodgers

    BHW Dodgers Forerunner

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    The aesthetics look extremely unique, which is cool because most maps posted have very plain looks. Nice job dude can't wait to play :)
  3. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    wow, this map just feels diferent than other reach maps, there definately is something unique in this. Most other maps just give you the feeling "IM IN HEMMORAGE", or "IM IN FORGEWORLD. but this makes it feel like a seperate map. good job
  4. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    The aesthetics are sharp but I can't imagine that a couple of those structures don't cause frame rate issues...
  5. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    This is a cool map! I have made similar aesthetics in my maps, the rooms on this map all look good and individual! Weapons look well placed too!
    Definitly worth a look and a DL! Great job on this map.
  6. Combs53090

    Combs53090 Forerunner

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    Aesthetics are amazing in this map. You were able to have a lot of color which is nice. The buildings are unique but I'm not sure how the game play is going to flow.
  7. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I remember thinking that our 4v4 games weren't big enough for this map and theres very very little cover any where. The 2 sides rooms of the base were far too easy to get kills with the sniper rifles and I'm not sure what you're respawn times were but it seemed like every other time I spawned I could make my way to the grenade launcher and it would be ready for me.

    You do have some interesting structures but they generally serve no purpose. That huge window you've got is a big contributor to lag, it looks nice but its not good for the games performance (and it would only get worse as you get more players in, which you need otherwise the map feels to empty).

    The layout you've got isn't too bad but its spoilt by you attempts to include architecture and structures to make the map look memorable.

    I did like the caves though, they had good stuff in them.

    II CASHnDASH II Forerunner

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    I just had a look in Forge and this looks very cool. I love the look of the window wall, It gives the whole map an epic feel imo. The layout is simple but should work well in every game mode. It was a cool idea to use the cave as part of the base for the blue team.

    Can't wait to try this. Good work!
  9. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Someone on my friends list downloaded this so I ended up in a 4 vs 4 slayer match on it last night. Here are my thoughts - mostly critical, but I hope you will take them in the spirit of trying to help:

    1. The biggest issue is frame rate. The key aesthetic aspects of the map - the glowing wheel and the huge window - made the game almost intolerably choppy at times. They are very distinctive and cool-looking but to be frank, don't belong on a competitive map, simply for performance reasons. If you can simplify them it might help, but it might be a better idea to reserve that kind of thing for aesthetic maps. I found myself moving away from that central area and avoiding any possibility of scoping in on the wheel, just because it was making it hard to play.

    2. The layout is pretty good but a little bare and open. I'd really like to see more cover added and maybe the scale of the whole thing shrunk down just a bit (unless you intend it for larger teams than 4 vs. 4). An experience I had too many times was wandering around for a while trying to find the action, then getting drilled by some guy sitting on high ground and waiting for hapless souls like me.

    3. On a related note to the above, I think the map could use more weapons generally, and more range weapons specifically. I found very few weapons as we were playing and play devolved into a DMR or needle rifle-hunt, at least for me. A few more of those sprinkled in some very visible locations, plus a couple needlers perhaps, might help out. It would be especially useful, perhaps, to watch a game video and see where people are spawning a lot, then place DMRs near those locations and within LOS of the spawn.

    4. Negatives out of the way, I will say this: it was definitely one of the most great-looking maps I've seen in a while. That wheel thing takes timmypanic's basic design signature and raises the bar ever so slightly with the addition of shield doors to make it look otherworldly. The window I have seen on more maps than this one, but all that glass never fails to be memorable. Besides that, the cave area was really cool (although I didn't find myself going there really at any point, other than to look). Aesthetics are very high caliber, so I see good things in your future - either as a primarily aesthetic map builder, or by finding ways to do this kind of stuff in regular maps without compromising the performance. And I wish you luck. :)
  10. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    You NEVER fail to amaze me Maki.

    Another great work of art.
  11. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    Beautiful map.

    Its a shame it's virtually unplayable. The looks interlocks layout etc.. Amazing esp like the use of the grid as an illuminated roof in the cave. However with as few as 8 players that middle space has horrendous frame rate issues. Everyone appreciated the look and work it took to make, but it was hard to get through one game on it. Sorry it's happened to me before too. Really top notch aesthetics though.


  12. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Frame Rate

    I have to sadly say that there is some truth to these reviews. I appreciate the honest criticism, along with the positive feedback. This is only the second map I've built on Reach, and I did push the envelope with some of the designs. I am proud of this map, but the center area has some very strong frame slow down when looking in many different directions, and especially when scoping in.

    There would not be a great way to address these issues by altering the map, but I know what to avoid for future builds.

    Hope you enjoyed despite the flaws.
    #12 makisupa007, Dec 5, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2010
  13. ClassicJokester

    ClassicJokester Forerunner

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    Played this today with a group of 8, and the main problem (other than the screen lag, but that's been said) was the abundance of hiding spots. It may not be a problem with the right group of people, but I just thought I'd let you know so you can fix them if you wish to.

    If you want, I have a film of the game where we were trying to break the map while playing, or I can take screens of the spots we used.

    It was pretty fun aside from that, though! :3
  14. schoenen

    schoenen Forerunner

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