Long time ago I made a crappy Terminator 4 video on halo 2. Well now I have a trailer for Terminator 5. It was put together rather quickly. But check it out and tell what you think. http://useruploads.mythica.org/view/terminator5trailer.wmv.html http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZbeUyRJKTpE
I liked it, the only thing I'd change is make the voices a bit louder and show more of the chopper. Otherwise, very nice.
yeah the voices were too quiet. And the words went by too fast. My by far biggest and bestest movie will be out very soon. Then I will create some stuff for forge hub. After that I'll begin a major project I have been planning out for a long time now.
Kenny may I recommend this program to you? It is the top video/audio editing program out there. I have another download for it and will give it to you for free if you want it. Heres a link for some info: http://www.sonycreativesoftware.com/products/product.asp?pid=404 If you want it just send me a pm -Donuts
Thanks, but that is what I edit with already. But I do plan on getting adobe after effects. Thanks anyways.
Ok np just wanted to give it to you... I may be able to get after effects also if you really want it. -Donuts