Hey guys.. just trying to get back into this photoshop thing stock: http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:...m1.cdn.spikedhumor.com/1/39788_hunter.jpg&t=1 (my computer won't load the larger image now... if you google "halo hunter" it should pop up) really basic manipulations.. not a lot done to it.. i was just trying to refresh my memory of sig making... if you tell me that its too big for a sig i will glare at you through my computer screen because i know it is. so anyways.. besides all that.. how are you guys? what's new?
Welcome Back! Nice clean manip. As you said it's pretty simple, but really well executed. As far as something new goes, not much. Some of the ForgeHub GnA Legends have disappeared into the abyss yet some still have some stayed around. The forum is a little inactive but it's being worked on, and we have a few active members of the forum who are 'hidden' moderators like RightSideTheory. The man that once inspired me to get going on graphics is back (that gears of war pop out signature)! This just made my thanksgiving. Thanks for posting again, see you around .
heyyyy nice to see you guys.. idk what to call you.. not exactly the oldies more like the new wave oldies thanks.. idk how much il be posting.. probably not a lot. t shirt designs are cool though i might post some of those
I thought you'd drawn that, then I read the description. fml. Anyway, it's very nice. I like the sketchy style of it, and i'd love to see what you can do with it in the future.