(UPDATE: For those who might be unaware, the latest version of the map should be marked with {V.1.4} in the description; if it says V.1.3 or V.1.2, you have an older version of the map.) As noted in the map description on Bungie.net, Tartarus - named after the mythological pit beneath the underworld where guilty souls were tormented in - is a deep pit where ONI dumps the most undesirable scum in the galaxy...as they would put it. Basically, rebels, traitors, soldiers who are too dangerous to continue serving due to various reasons...the deadliest of the deadly are sentenced here. The weapons can't cut or blast through the walls of the prison, and it's completely sealed off. So in all honesty, if the inmates want to be placated with a little blood...well, the ONI highers-up are willing to turn a blind eye. /backstory off This map is very small. Very much so. Ideal for 1 vs. 1 or 2 vs. 2, the map becomes truly chaotic for 8 FFA or 4 vs. 4 (Red vs. Blue teams)...as it was meant to be. With five cell blocks protruding from the ground, rocky spires - with which one can hide behind or scale to the top of the cells - and multiple nooks and crannies, this map gives one a feeling of tension, for you are never truly safe. After all, someone might be right...behind you...or even above you...or right around the corner. WEAPONS AR x 2 Needlers x 2 Spiker x 2 Plasma Rifle x 2 Plasma Pistol x 2 Plasma Repeater x 1 Concussion Rifle x 1 Shotgun x 1 Energy Sword x 1 Frag Grenades x 2 Plasma Grenades x 2 OTHER: Health Station x 2 A VIEW OF THE BLUE SIDE A VIEW OF THE RED SIDE A VIEW OF THE SWORD FROM THE BLUE SIDE A VIEW OF THE SWORD FROM THE RED SIDE WHAT WOULD YOU DO FOR AN ENERGY SWORD? KEEP ON YOUR TOES DEATH CAN COME FROM ABOVE; EVEN IN A CAVE FORGET YOUR MOTION TRACKER AT YOUR OWN RISK THE GUY ON THE RIGHT PAID ATTENTION SERIOUSLY; DEATH CAN COME FROM ANYWHERE DEATH FAVORS NO SIDE A COMRADE FALLS: WILL THERE BE VENGEANCE? YES. REST WHILE YOU CAN... ...NO PLACE IS SAFE FOR LONG IN TARTARUS. For those who would like a video walkthrough, here you go: YouTube - Tartarus Walkthrough (Halo Reach: Custom Map) For those who would rather like to see the map in action, here's a glimpse at the chaos that is 4 vs. 4 Team Slayer: YouTube - Team Slayer on Tartarus (Halo Reach) If you wish to see all files associated with this map, here's a File Set for Tartarus: TARTARUS. Enjoy.
Despite being in one of the smallest areas of the map, this map is extremely well laid out and quite fun to play. I especially enjoyed the weapon selection, as it was quite different than the human only weapons that are is typically seen, without allowing too many "noob-combos" or EMP kills. Fantastic use of the platform as well. They give a lot of vertical space to what is otherwise, well... a cave! Enjoyable map, was great fun getting my butt kicked. Highly recommended.
Thanks for the comments. After a playtest with other members of Forge Hub (many thanks to TJ Drago especially), the one common complaint was the lack of diversity of respawn points. I've added more respawn points and initial spawn points, so the download link will be replaced in short order. Also, I will be uploading some new screens from the matches. EDIT: Am currently reuploading Tartarus. Will be replacing links in original post. EDIT2: Links are fixed and new images are added. I will be reuploading Tartarus for one final time after adding functionality for other gametypes. EDIT3: Final gametypes have been added: Headhunter and King of the Hill gametypes are now supported. EDIT4: Removed KOTH functionality due to suggestions during playtesting; map size and layout is inadequate. Also redoing the video walkthrough; will reupload later.
Very fun and frantic gameplay, I wish it was a little more compatible with koth and maybe some 3plots. I think this is a very simple yet hilariously funny map with constant action that if it had more variety in it's gametypes could be an instant favorite.
Having done some thinking about it, I figured that I'll return KOTH functionality to the map with some alterations to hill size and location; I might also include territories and assault to see how that works. All issues regarding weapon spawn times and respawn points has been addressed, so after I reupload the map again, this should be the final version, pending playtesting of functionality of the new gametypes. This being my first ever serious Forge map, I'm happy about the positive response so far. EDIT: A somewhat substantial error has been discovered via playtesting; there were portions where players who dressed as Elites would 'bump' into the platform's upper cap, due to their greater height than a SPARTAN. These errors have been attended to, and some of the rocks have been adjusted in accordance to this change. Expect a new version of Tartarus to be uploaded soon, with some new pictures and a new video walkthrough.
This map was a lot of fun to play. I really enjoyed it. The only thing I see is the map could use a little more aesthetics and DMRs are basically power weapons so you should put probably put 1 in the middle and 1 needle rifle. Everything was great. Gameplay = fun.
Upon further playtesting (and after a couple of sessions), most people (myself included) seem to think that the map benefits much more without the DMR and Needle Rifle; the Plasma Rifles have been moved to replace the Needle Rifles and the Needlers were both moved to where the DMRs spawned. Also, one thing I noted was that a lot of people were missing the shotgun; I know that people have a tendency to congregate towards the center due to how much attention the sword catches, but I had the shotgun moved toward the left side of the map (relative to the blue team) so that people couldn't quickly get both power weapons and dominate the game. However, having it lying vertically alongside light-brown dirt was not sufficient for people to see it, so I sat it lying up close to a platform amidst very bright ground (relative to Tartarus) for easier visibility. New screenshots and video walkthrough by tomorrow, along with a new Tartarus upload.
I remember playing this last night, very fun indeed, It was really fun for close quarters and crazy king was insanely, well.......crazy!
I've uploaded new pictures and a new video walkthrough; this time with audio! Also included is the accompanying File Set for Tartarus. This is the final version of Tartarus; I am finished with any changes, so V.1.2 on my File Share is the one you download (if your version does not have {V.1.2} in the description, it's not the right one). It will be the one I submit to Bungie's Forgetacular Team Slayer contest. Thanks to everyone who assisted me.
I gotta be honest here I did'nt really like the map my first playthrough, but after that I just got more and more into it and it has grown on me very much. Now everytime it pops up in the custom games lobby I get excited to kill people in the cave setting. Very worthy of a download! keep em comming sonik
Many thanks to the nomination on the Featured map thread! Although the map has been submitted to the Forgetacular contest already, that doesn't mean I'm done testing it; at the moment, I'm going through gametypes one-by-one, to see how they perform. So far, with the latest version of the map, the following gametypes have been tested: Team Slayer (twice) Team Elite Slayer FFA Crazy King FFA Oddball So far, I've received no complaints with V.1.2 (the final version) of the map. Next, I'll be testing Tartarus with Objective-based games: namely, either One Flag CTF, Neutral Bomb, or some variant of Territories. EDIT: After having played one game of One Flag CTF, an issue has appeared that was far less noticeable in the Team Slayer matches: respawns. Apparently, one anti-respawn zone on each side was not enough to prevent the other team from spawning at the other base. To correct this, I added another anti-respawn zone on each side, and included a respawn zone on each side, so as to not only lessen the probability of one team spawning on the other side, but to also increase the probability of a team spawning on their side. Thus, we have V.1.3. of Tartarus. EDIT2: IGNORE the last upload! Thankfully, Bungie has extended their deadline to the 30th, so Tartarus was resubmitted after fixing the other spawning issues. Behold, V.1.4.