Any word on Bungie fixing the Reach file system?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nutduster, Nov 26, 2010.

  1. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I know you guys have to be getting frustrated with this. I'm not much of a complainer, but the file system in Reach is so broken it's ridiculous. I've experienced all of the following - TODAY:

    1. Go into maps under Forge World, see all of them listed twice. (I have to save a map, then back out and come back in, to fix it - luckily it seems to always be temporary.)

    2. Load a map in Forge and do "save map" after changes. Somehow overwrites a different map so that when I try to load up that other map, I get this one instead. Usually I've been able to dodge this bullet by restoring the other map from temp files, but in doing so I've also managed to sometimes lose the forge changes I was trying to make in the first place, as if it only saved them over the other map and not over the one I was actually updating!

    3. File description changed to BLAM! for no clear reason. I had a one sentence description with nothing offensive in it, why did it get blammed? I re-entered it almost the same way and then it accepted it.

    4. Do a "save map" in Forge and it just... fails. In fact it tells me "failed to save map" but it doesn't tell me why. I think I was getting this earlier today and didn't even notice it, because I usually just click through that "map saved" message; as a result I lost most of an hour's work. I paid closer attention later and noticed it was doing this, so I had to save as new map instead. (This may relate to the BLAM! description problem, not sure though.)

    5. This isn't really a bug per se, but what genius decided to have the game always default to load up a temp file version of the last map played? e.g. I play a custom game on map X. I need to fix something so I go into Forge, change it, and save. Go back into customs and start the game since it already says map X is active - and what does it do? Load up the temp file without the changes I made. Any time I forget to reload the map I end up confusing the hell out of myself. Just a really dumb way to do things. We have a temp file menu - it should be used for saving maps we played online or recovering files, it shouldn't be the default go-to resource for active map play.

    edit: I've had so many issues I forgot one. 6. Sometimes when you go into custom games/maps, the X for file options button doesn't work. You have to back out and go back in, and then it's fine.
    #1 Nutduster, Nov 26, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2010
  2. Keg

    Keg Forerunner

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    is it possible to put city by the sea back in ur fileshare?
    #2 Keg, Nov 26, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2010
  3. pitythefool

    pitythefool Forerunner

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    I feel for you mate. It seems no word at all, i dont think they want to admit they F#@*ed it up big time.
  4. Neon1129

    Neon1129 Forerunner

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    That is really off topic. :\

    OT:Ya I hope Bungie fixes these problems very soon. I have been a victim to most of these and it can get so annoying I just scrap a project :\
  5. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    It actually hasn't made it to my fileshare yet - still testing and ironing out the kinks. It will be officially released soon, as soon as I fix a couple things. (The map geometry is fine but I can't get some of the objective game stuff as perfect as I'd like it to be.)
  6. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is because you've exceeded the maximum number of characters permitted... usually. The xbox live guide has a different character limit set than bungie's description permitts. So the guide allows you to type more characters than the description can record which triggers the error changing the description to BLAM.

    I'm pretty sure it's also set to BLAM out specific words. I've not recorded these words but I did try to write a full description with the word "Temple" in it and it got blammed. I changed it to "Shrine" and it worked.

    This is a no-brainer. It's set up to record the last open map (like in Halo 3) incase numskulls quit the game and forget to save. They can reload Forge/Campaign and save their map as it was and make a permanent recording. Your "Temporary File" History is always read from. Your "Local Files" list is just an access route making it easier for you to locate the file. Once you open the file, it gets copied and ran from "Temporary File" history in a cached folder.

    Have patience, it's populating your lists. Out of all your issues, this is the only one I have. And it's only that the load times are slow. Backing out and going back in just clears the load cache and re-sends the information to which it's already partially loaded anyway.

    The only problem bungie has with their file service is the tagging system is buggy, and the uploading of files at peak times is slow. Other than that, there's nothing wrong.
  7. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    That could be it, or I might have hit one of their hidden trigger words, not sure which. I'd like to see better error handling - if it's going to blam my description, tell me why! This is especially necessary if (as I think may be the case) the BLAM! subsequently prevents me from saving the map in forge.

    Understood, but do you see why this would be confusing when jumping back and forth between forge and customs, as mapmakers often do? A simple solution: don't have forge and custom game-specific memory. Right now when I open forge it goes to the last map I forged; when I switch to customs it goes to the last map I played a custom game on. That's a theoretically nice feature except it means I have to manually reload my map EVERY TIME I switch back and forth - which can be a lot if I'm setting up and testing gametypes.

    I don't know if I'd go that far. But even if I did, the tagging problems are extremely significant. I have supported database backend-type software for over a decade; if your indexes are pointing to the wrong place, the data they are directing you to may as well not exist. The first program I worked on had constant index problems and our customers were rightly gnashing their teeth about it daily. Thankfully, the one I work on now is much more stable in that department.
  8. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    i can vouch for that description BLAMming does NOT cause errors with file saves, in my experience.
    i had a blammed description on Megalodon for a good majority of its forge time, even during testing, because i had just been too lazy to fix it and figure out why it was being blammed. during this time i had many resaves and new saves and such and it all worked fine.

    now i know that it was blammed for character limit =D

    the double file thing is a strange glitch. i usually just back out and go to a dif lobby, load something else, then go back to forge and reload and they fix themselves.
  9. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That's thinking too much along a linear line there... If that was the case, Bungie would be effectively swearing at Minors saying "Your description could not be excepted because these words are contained:
    • ****
    • ****
    • Titties
    • Anal
    And will be replaced with BLAM!"

    ^ Not gonna happen because it's incredibly unprofessional. The character limit glitch is something I think Bungie are working on.

    Again, you're thinking way too linear. The biggest audience on Halo are players that just pick up the game to play socially. If they have their friends round, they play a few custom games on disc variant maps, it saves their previously played map so when they next enter the Custom Games lobby with their friends, their game is already set up. Bungie have just stretched this across to Forge now so if Idiots forget to save their map, like people always did in Halo 3, it's saved temporarily and available to re-open and save on a permanent storage device. Don't blame bungie, blame halo 3 idiots.
  10. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    But some of the words they blam out aren't swear words. In fact, the vast majority are not. Those are the things that make no sense to me and are hard to figure out. I type in a 20 word description and it chokes on one of them, and won't tell me which? I don't think it's "linear" to want the game to point me in the general direction of the problem. Anyway here's a better suggestion: if it won't show me which word is the issue, just blam out that word and leave the rest alone. That's how bleeping works on network TV and the radio.

    It would be one thing if my description was "**** **** ****ity ass damn poop," but the thing I had blammed yesterday, I still have zero idea what the problem was. It wasn't all that long, just one sentence with a little "2-8 players" tag at the end. I think it used only a few notable words: battle or skirmish or combat; city; aquatic; and frantic or intense or something like that. All perfectly normal words.

    Can't I blame both? I understand what you're saying there, but the goal of the developer is to find a solution to a problem without causing a new one. Again, that's experience talking. You don't create work for your most loyal customers just to set up a baby gate for the casual players. At the very least, if they can't think of a better way to deal with it, put in a saved preference that lets me turn this irritating thing off when I'm forging.
  11. james227uk

    james227uk Ancient
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    Not sure if I'm in the same boat with the problems listed, but here's mine.

    I have two maps. One called 'Base Edits' and the other called 'Temple'. Now the issue I'm having is that whenever I select Temple in the map menu, it always selects Base Edits instead. I've tried numerous things, but it still loads Base Edits whenever I select Temple.

    Crazy stuff
  12. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, that's one of the problems I was describing. At some point when you saved Base Edits, it more or less replaced Temple (or the index tag for Temple is actually pointing to Base Edits, which amounts to the same thing). Look in your Temporary Files and see if you can find Temple there, then re-save it. Or if it's in your file share, you can download it from there. If it's not in either place, you may be hosed.

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