Still not finished yet, but very close. Been working on this for a long time, though it isn't an exact remake. It's more of a spiritual successor. Mudkip Farm map post Also, a screenshot of how deep the water is. Hopefully, someone out there who has played the original is happy that it's being remade. The main changes between the original and the new version are that it's upsized so a lot of the jumps are a bit more complex and the lack of the dunes. I originally was building this in the canyon but the lack of a flat surface would change gameplay too much, so I made my own. The floor isn't buttery smooth but it's very close. Grenades getting stuck on the cracks in the floor aren't a problem either because grenades don't bounce in the water anyway. Another thing I'm revamping slightly is the weapon layout. Beam Rifle is replaced by the Focus Rifle and the Spartan Laser is replaced by the Grenade Launcher (and has a respawn now. I still need to figure out what to replace equipment spawns with, as well as the Active Camo powerup spawn on the original. Once that's settled, It'll be time for spawns and lots of testing.
LOLZ the name is very suiting for the Halo: Reach version of Mudkip Farm. I knew it was a remake just by looking at the first picture, so I think it's safe to say that you're doing a good job so far.
Ive never played Mudkip Farm(love the name, he was always my choice) but it always looked fantastic. This looks just as good and i would love to help test it once its finished
It really annoys me that there isn't a FLAT BTB space in ForgeWorld... I'm sure it annoys you equally as much. OT: Looks great, it's very apparent that this is a Remake of Mudkip Farm. I personally don't like having water everywhere, but I suppose that's better than a giant grey blob.