Remake Boarding Action

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Deadsayer, Nov 18, 2010.

  1. Deadsayer

    Deadsayer Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is my own remake of one of my favorite Halo maps "Boardin Action". There no ramps used in place of the latters. However, you are required to jump when you get to the latters. There are only a few changes that had to be made in order for me to build this map. I had to sacrifice the cylindrical containers and I did not place the cammo and over sheilds, due to the fact that there are armor abilities in reach. I did not take the time to make the map compatible with a lot of game types, but i plan on doing so on future maps. This is the first map that i have shared and the only map that I have made to completion. I hope you all enjoy.

    Here are a few few screenshot of my remake. . .

    #1 Deadsayer, Nov 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 9, 2010
  2. CHeK xJAMx

    CHeK xJAMx Forerunner

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    Finally! Someone made ladders instead of grav lifts or ramps. You even made the windows look right. Good Job! Did you have to leave anything out cause of the expensive ladders?
  3. Deadsayer

    Deadsayer Forerunner
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    Yeah, unfortunately I couldn't make it perfect. It wasn't easy to determine what to leave out. In the end i just decided to leave out the cylindrical containers. I also decided to place only two health packs on each base and leave out the active cammo and oversheild. other than these few things the map worked out pretty well.
  4. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    yeah, this looks better than those other maps with ramps, and besides, oversheilds and camo suck in reach
  5. yomilo

    yomilo Forerunner

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    Dude, I have a boarding action... but I haven;t posted it... because it is only the first 3 floors...

    We should denitively forge together one day and make the ULTIMATE BOARDING ACTION D:
  6. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    Mate, this is bloody fantastic! I love BA and you have just made the sexiest piece map I've ever laid eyes on. My only suggestions are replace the doors on the bottom level with tunnels and find a way to add the overshield and camo, or just the camo
  7. Deadsayer

    Deadsayer Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback, i'll be going thru the level again soon to see if i can improve it a little more. Now that I gave a bit more experiance with forge.
  8. Elephantidis23

    Elephantidis23 Forerunner

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    I no it wouldn't be allowed in matchmaking but if you added some lighting effects to make it look dark out that would be perfect. This is definetly in my top 5 favorite maps in all of halo and i hope its in anniversary. Great Job!
  9. Deadsayer

    Deadsayer Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thank you, I just recently came back to this map. I had a lot of other unfinished projects but i think I am going to finally finish this one up.
  10. Redy

    Redy Hipster
    Senior Member

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    Time... but I think it is possible to have some things better, try to adapt to other gametypes, or do a different version, get better aesthetics and the active camo with over shield... I think it is essential to the classical experience. 0_O

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