Mario Bros (Beta)

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Jo351, Nov 15, 2010.

  1. Jo351

    Jo351 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Note: Something was glitchy while I was posting it, not sure if anything bad will happen yet. edit: min and max players got reset...

    Map Name: Phase 1
    Canvas Name: Forgeworld

    Player Count: 6-10
    Gametype: Mario Bros

    The original Mario Bros is now in Reach!
    All the floors are lined with land mines blocked by shield doors, humans are in main level trying to kill infection by jumping into the ceiling to explode the landmines and damage the zombies on the level above. Zombies can kill in two pummels, humans cannot do much damage with anything except landmines.

    Known issues:
    None yet

    Movement: Jump(150%)
    Damage: Damage(25%), Melee(25%), Friendly Fire(Disabled), Weapon(Plasma Pistol)
    Health: No shields, Raised Health(2 Pummels)

    Movement: Speed(50%), Jump(0%)
    Damage: Damage(25%), Melee(300%)
    Health: No shields, Raised Health(2 mines)

    Custom for Infection:
    Movement: Speed(150%), Jump(0%)
    Health: No shields, Raised Health(3 mines)

    Close to original Arcade/NES, mines are in floors jump from below to activate.
    Wall spawns before game start.

    Infection Spawns in Soft Killzone with 2 teleporters


    Phase 1
    Mario Bros

    Thanks for viewing!

    Please leave feedback, I want to make the map as perfect as possible.

    I posted this in tester's guild but realize they are busy and will be for a while, I come to you Forgehub users and ask for any input positive or negative.
    #1 Jo351, Nov 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2010
  2. MONSTERheart

    MONSTERheart Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is, in a single word, amazing.

    Does the POW block do anything?
  3. Jo351

    Jo351 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Unfortunately the pow block does nothing, I was debating to add a custom powerup or a weapon but decided against it.
  4. kavemanr

    kavemanr Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    i did not see in the description so forgive me if its there, but do the players have any form of way point on them? i mean how would one know if there was a zombie above them if the floor is solid? you could either add way points or make the floor glass but other wise this would be a very annoying map not being able to see it at all. but toehr ethan that it looks good
    7/10 :D
  5. Jo351

    Jo351 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have a smaller enhanced radar for the humans I thought that would allow them to find to zombies fairly easily, but I could add waypoints, I think about it, thanks!

    ps sorry my reply took so long I was gone for thanksgiving.
  6. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thumbnail images are to contain an uneditted screenshot of your map only. I have changed your thumbnail image to the first unedited picture in your post. Feel free to change it, but keep it within the rules.
  7. Iska Uhtalee

    Iska Uhtalee Forerunner

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    Awesome, I just wish that the pow block would do something.

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