------------ Hallow. ------------ By IISharpFoxII There is my really first reach forged map. Hallow. is a 4v4 symetrical closed map in the forgeworld sky. Some poeple said that the map remembered construct to them, and it's real that some part of the layout is inspired by it. Hallow get some pretty interesting gameplay, beacause there some open strategic area that made the DMR powerfull if used correctly,then you get some close areas that give good movements and pauses. It can support more player but it's recommended to play in 4v4 or 2v2. My english is not so good and i've got no history for my map so we gonna skip right to the pictures; Take a loog to the center, bridges and gold floor Closer look to the center with the concussion gun, we can see the outdoor platform from the gold a closer look to the trench with the lift to gold and the teleporter commin from outdoor Beginning spawn, 1 way to the underbridge, 1 way to the bridge, 1 way to the center platform ans 1 way to the trench view of one of the bridge and the under brige (3 chambers bloc) On the other side of the center you get the exit to outddor A look to the blue platform from the red platform Exit of the lift, red platform and red highway to the gold This is the under room of the blue platform with the lift at the lift you got the shorcut, at the rigth its the gold and the exit of the principal lift from the trenche This is the outdoor, with the 2 way to get down and the 2 side door to get faster to outdoor In bird eye.. shotgun spawn and the teleporter that teleport you to the center platform Overview of the map.. take a look at the mancannon that is a shortcut to get to the other sider faster, and where you can drop to the beginning spawning room. Another overview of it, you can see top gold, with highways on the side with the red and blue top platform Enjoy Hallow. and is awesome, tactical gameplay in sweet asthetics!! download link; Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details What do you think about it?? I am open for suggestion!
Pretty cool map. Looks like it'll have a good flow in terms of gameplay. For some reason, this gives me an Epitaph vibe. Did that map influence this forge at all?
Thanks, but no, Epitaph did'nt influence me when forging Hallow. look like Hallow. is a mix of a lot maps because a much of poeple said that this remind them other maps [br][/br]Edited by merge: UPDATE !! New, cleaner platform and reviewed esthetics!! Please check it out! DOWNLOAD HALLOW.