
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Shlore, Nov 22, 2010.

  1. Shlore

    Shlore Forerunner

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    AVP-Refinery is an attempt to recreate the dark, claustrophobic atmosphere of the Refinery map from Rebellions AVP title. As with my previously released map, Hells Kitchen, any rule set and equipment you'd like to make and use will work. With the exception of the jet-pack (which is included on the map notes itself).

    The Refinery is made up of 2 floors. The upper floor consists of 2 larger rooms attached to the floor beneath by ramps. The lower floor is extremely dark and close quarters. Be on your guard down there!

    The Loading Bay. This is the largest open space on the map. The ramps down to the lower corridors can be seen in the lower left of this picture. Theres also a hole straight down to 2 storage rooms in the corners of the lower floor.


    The Power Room (as my small test team and myself call it due to the fact that this was where the Predator most likely came to Power Up his gear again) is opposite the Loading Bay. Many branching tunnels to both upper and lower floor.


    The Hive Corners are attached to the sides of the Power Room. These areas are in large decay with a hole burned thru the floors. These corners also lead to the farthest edges of the lower tunnels. Places where it's dark and best not be alone!


    Dark Tunnels below on the lower floor are made of one main tunnel thru the middle that connects the Loading Bay with the Power Room and then 3 smaller tunnels along its width. The outside edges are the darkest! Scary!


    As always please leave any and all constructive criticism.

    If you happen to play with your friends on this map please save me a replay and let me know to download it from your share file.

    #1 Shlore, Nov 22, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2010
  2. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I am swallowed in disappointment. I loved that game dearly until lord dracov (#1 on leaderboards) came, and ****ed it up so that there was a 70/100% chance you had to play against him, and damn...He was good!

    But, aside from that, back to my disappointment-- I would like to see a gametype included! But, the world being how it is, I'll probably have to make one myself.

    Yeah...Yeah, that's a good idea! I'll have to make my own map for it, of course, though. Thanks for the inspiration, man, and nice job on the map!

  3. Shlore

    Shlore Forerunner

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    Thanks. Ya, I agree on the AvP disappointment. The game looked great. Loved the atmosphere. Hated the terrible server browsing and rock, papaer, scissors button mashing of the kill animations. Terrible support and abandonment makes me cry. I hope it wont effect Colonial Marines tho. Let's hope that one gets the support.
    As for a custom game type... I haven't really explored those much. Most maps I make with Classic Slayer/DM in mind and test them with everything but jet-packs. Oldschool like.
    Be sure to let me know if you decided to make a gametype for this map or some AvP maps yourself. :)

  4. yomilo

    yomilo Forerunner

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    Hey! This MAP IS AWSOME!! And Active Camo is a BEEEEAAAAAASSSSTTTT HERE!!!!

    I Effin LOVE IT!!!

    Dude... this was my favorite map in AVP...

    BTW, is there still ppl playing avp? I want to buy it again, but the only thing worth it is the online...
  5. Shlore

    Shlore Forerunner

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    Enthusiasm!!! Hah. Thanks! This was also my fave map in AvP Hehe. :D Ive had alot of good times on this map with groups of friends sluggin it out. Glad to hear someone else is too. Lemme know if you have any replays so I can watch others sluggin it too!
    As for AvP, unfortunately, dont bother. The online features only got a brief browser update to custom games. However, theres online about a dozen people online and they all wanna play different gametypes. As well, its been recently stated by SEGA that its a dead title. No more support. :( sad.

    II CASHnDASH II Forerunner

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    I walked through this in Forge with some friends last night and it looks bad ass. I never played AvP, but the layout seems good, and all of the visual touches really bring this map to life. I love that little room where the floor is made out of rocks and you can drop down on people lol.

    Very cool map!
  7. Shlore

    Shlore Forerunner

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    Jump in and gun eachother down CASHnDASH. :) Hehe. Those rooms can be quite deadly. Especially with the stealth powerup. ;)
  8. Exile

    Exile Forerunner

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    Awesome that you remade this map, AvP has some great maps, to bad the support is so crappy on that :/
    Hope to see more from you
  9. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    So far I've been tampering around with some experimental Juggernaut Predator hunts, but come tomorow I'll probably still have nothing to show. Oh, and P.S. I went through the original map just to see if everything was perfect, and, I found this to be a very accurate remake. Nicely done!
  10. Exile

    Exile Forerunner

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    If i may make a suggestion, you should use the colorblind and juicy effect filters instead of purple, this will make the map darker but not pitch dark.
    I know in AvP its pitch black and hard to see but i don't think such darkness suits Halo games.
  11. Shlore

    Shlore Forerunner

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    Ill be sure to try that out for v1.2 and see how it looks.

    Thanks :)
  12. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    I downloaded map , Was awesomely aesthetic Don't make it any brighter!! If anything make it darker :p

    As a AvP map playing halo it looks good, but i was expecting a remake which kinda disappointed me I wanted have a Bars up top that had Spartan lazer(shoulder canon) and sniper with low ammo for spear in corner, I dunno what for Frisbee lol

    Basically i wanted a to have a AVP game in Halo :p with the assignations in halo would be even cooler, But still good map for playing Halo in halo lol
  13. yomilo

    yomilo Forerunner

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    I would So much play juggernaut here... Or infection...

    I think Infection would be amazing here too...

    Do you mind if I set up the gametypes you are missing to play in this map??
    Or you do it... :)


    Dude, I added Infection and Made an Alien Vs Predator Themed Gametype... PM and let's do some customs in your map

    EDIT 2:

    I tested that gametype I made, It was a bomb, waiting to give it to you, I do not have more space on my fileshare...
    #13 yomilo, Dec 1, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2010

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