*UPDATED* - Pictures Now Included! * Both Lights are red in the picture, but that is not the case in with the actual custom gametype. I had loaded the map with noone else playing, and the lights are team specific, causing the blue light to turn red because there were no blue players spawned, as you can see. I am taking a picture of the map as soon as possible. Please be patient. In the mean time please download the map/gametype, get 9 other people, and have a basketball fiesta!!! This map supports teams from 1v1 all the way to 5v5. There is some basic aesthetics on the map, and a few vehicles in the background. The cars are NOT driveable with my custom gametype, however if u choose standard assault it will most likely be driveable. Gametype Settings: Coming Soon! (Soon = 1-2 Days) *There is a safe zone on the map to prevent players from going 'out of bounds.' * *Also the ball automatically resets when it goes out of 'bounds'* * Before this question gets asked: Yes, the ball carrier is slower than the rest of the players. The reason being is because generally speaking, most people in real life run faster without a ball than with a ball. (Notice i said generally speaking.) * Please be aware that it only works with Red vs Blue. Other team colors will cause you to spawn all over the place. (Meaning the Island, Montana, Colosseum, etc.) Please download and tell me what you all think. Phanks, and good luck to everyone posting in the Bungie Forgetacular Contest! (just had to say that haha) Map Overview: Map Overview 2: View From 'Parking Lot': View From Halfcourt:
Sorry to say, but trying isn't an option. You need to have some pictures or it will be locked. Sorry, man...
I have now placed some images in this thread. Feel free to leave advice. *I am aware i need to change some aesthetics, however i would prefer input about the actual gametype as of right now. Thanks.
is it just griffbal?? you didn't explain the game type at all, and you where mostly talking about lights in your post any ways, you can make, a giant glass room in the stands where other teams will spawn and kill themselves/have a nice view of the game
That is a fantastic idea!!! I'm glad you mentioned that! This is the kind of feedback i've been waiting for!! And I will post the game type settings within the next day or two. Stay Tuned. It isnt exactly Grifball, the 'goals' are... well 'goals. (No Pun Intended)
I have one that beats this all day long. ...unfortunately,it's not in my 6-slot file share,due to stupid contests. I'd be happy to fire up a game with the OP on his,then mine...and perhaps we can learn from each other!