Banshee War?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Plasma Blades, Nov 23, 2010.

  1. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    So I was with my friend on XBL when he brought up an idea about a 16 person banshee war (which seems like it would be incredibly fun if built properly). Obviously 16 banshees cannot be spawned, but he proposed the idea of making it race, and players get a point for every kill, making the destination out of reach.

    I haven't worked at all with the race gametype, and was just wondering if it would be possible to do this. The map could be built like New Alexandria, providing cover for the banshees and safe hangars to spawn in.

    Just throwing the idea out there, so that (if it works), someone could build a nice map for it.

    And sorry if this idea has been proposed before. By no means do I want to sound like some "12-year-old" (seems to be the most common age when and individual attacks someone's maturity/intelligence) who always proposes the idea for banshee wars. The idea was frequent in Halo 3, but never worked out due to the lack of banshees. However, if constructed in an effective manner, this could make for, what I consider to be, a pretty cool mini-game.
    #1 Plasma Blades, Nov 23, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2010
  2. Hokets

    Hokets Forerunner
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    You can have players spawn in Banshees in a race gametype, but unfortunately it doesn't seem like you can set points for kills.
  3. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
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    If one can "invert" Race's score, then you can have killed players spawn on the next checkpoint before being teleported back into "the ring". Inverted score means they lose points from the checkpoint. Person with the least negative score wins.

    ...Probably also impossible.
  4. Hokets

    Hokets Forerunner
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    It looks as though you can't customize the scoring at all.

    Maybe the map could have a number of checkpoints that all take up the entire playable area. This would, in theory, have players that are alive constantly getting points, while dead players miss out on the points while they wait to respawn. This system would have the player(s) that died the least win the game. The problem with this model is that players might want to avoid the fray as opposed to killing each other.
  5. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That sounds feasible, your last idea that is. I think there would be enough incentive to keep killing other people, don't worry. The only people that won't kill are the retards that won't just to **** the game up.
  6. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    I'm not even sure how you edit the spawn vehicle... -_-
  7. RodziR

    RodziR Forerunner

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    It's easy. Just go to race options and change vehicle to banshee.

    Now to my idea of scoring. Put checkpoint cover all area, but make it spawn after 2 minutes. Then put wining score to one, so every one who survived that time, gets 1 score.
  8. Inferi

    Inferi Forerunner

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    lol, Ive made a game like this called "Dogfight". Its based on race; players spawn in Banshees with limited lives and must eliminate each other. The gametype is finished, but Ive been meaning to create a map for it... havent gotten around to it yet :(

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