UNSC Secrets: Working to better understand. Location code: 2283-522, Planet Reach Supervisor: Regret Nothing Purpose: For the study of unknown creatures Number of workers: 14 Number of samples: 2 ALERTS: Contagious, exact reaction is unknown. Level of danger is VERY high. Description: Here at UNSC Secrets, we aim to better understand ruthless and aggressive creatures that were recently found in a cave. Regrets Nothing founded the specimen, which turned our to be very dangerous when exposed to humans. Though we have never seen an infection break out with our own eyes, we aim to find out with out killing or negatively harming any suspect including the samples. It is a slow going and frustrating process, but here at the UNSC Secrets, safety is out NUMBER ONE priority. Journal one By scientist number 3: I think to day well be interesting. Last night in the lab, and for the past few weeks, the samples have been acting very strange. Unusual actions and interaction with one another. Sometimes I feel as they are communicating with each other. Like they are trying to plan something, Maybe a way to escape? What ever it is, I feel very uncomfortable watching them act this way every day. I think ill go ahead and keep a close eye when I get there. I don't want to find my self on the break of death just because I'm not doing my job right. Journal two By scientist number 8: I'm not a fan of man eating monsters. And in this universe, they do exist. But for these sample we have, its making me especially scared. They are very aggressive, and once they find an opportunity to kill something, they take it with out thought or hesitation. They don't show much of an intelligence for anything but killing. Ill be honest, today I am most nervous. Its my sons birthday tomorrow. maybe the boss can give me a break, so I can be farther away from these demons, and closer too my son. The ideas: If you have been following all the maps I posted here on FH since 08, By now you should know that I am a huge infection fan. I always love the thought of human minds breaking down in the middle of the crisis, and then humans as we know it are near the edge of extinction. Zombies is a great style when telling story's like this. But I also like capturing that in the maps and games I make. For a while I worked on bunker styles maps, defending your self for dear life. Then I worked on linear style maps, similar to Manifest on Halo 3. Now I bring a Laboratory. But this is something special. Its special not because of its layout, or realistic aesthetics. Its special because of the game play it brings. This map is just down right fun. Especially for its style of infection. You wont find many free roam maps as fun as this. I still am not sure how I pulled it off. Maybe because its on reach and not halo3? No. Compared to other free roam infection maps I have played on reach, I think it still tops it. When I started this map, I wanted a location that would fit most in the zombie infection story line. And a lab cave was perfect in so many ways. It made since because it was isolated. No one would know it existed, and zombies could be studied on from inside where they most likely were found. A cave. I than focused on realistic spawns that the zombies would spawn in. The starting humans would spawn on what looks like an elevator that would take them up to the lab. Then the zombies would start out side the observatory room. From there they can go though a teleporter that is hidden from human view. which well then take them though vents where the zombies can come out and attack by surprise. And last, they can spawn in little cave holes and vents spread around the map. How to play: Humans, what ever you do, do NOT jump off the elevator to the sand. There is a hard kill area there, where you well find your self re spawning as a zombie next. Other then that, every things else is the same. Kill or be infected. Thanks to the guys who tested this with me. You can all have my baby's Hope you liked and will download!
Looks like it could be an interesting map and I especially love when the person creates a back story to the infection games. I'll definitely give it a down load. I just wished you showed us more of an overview of the map. I only have one question: are the zombies customized in any way for this game type? P.S. Really enjoyed the journals. It set up a sort of anxiety before playing.