
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Angel of Grief, Nov 15, 2010.

  1. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    "Catch the disease"

    I have been working on this map since Halo 3 (really). The first iteration wasn't too bad, but Mania is unarguably a vast improvement. I took many liberties while rebuilding my favorite creation. Mania supports most gametypes (CTF, Assualt, Race, and Invasion variants are not supported at this time). Later versions might see an inclusion of CTF and assault.

    Mania incorporates a nice blend of short-range combat, decent lines of sight, and vertical gameplay. No weapon is overly superior in every situation. A lack of fall damage makes escape easier so that you might live to kill again. The entire map sees action during gameplay; producing a very balanced feel.

    DMR x 5
    Focus Rifle x 1 [180s respawn]
    Frag Grenade x 2
    Health Station x 5
    Machine Gun Turret x 2
    Magnum x 2
    Needler x 1
    Needle Rifle x 3
    Plasma Grenade x 4
    Plasma Pistol x 1
    Plasma Repeater x 2
    Plasma Rifle x 2
    Shotgun x 2 [single clip; 90s respawn]
    Sniper x 1 [one extra clip; 180s respawn]
    Spiker x 1
    Sword x 1 [180s respawn]

    This is an overview of the map from the perspective of the red-side. [Loadout cam]

    This is an overview of the map form the perspective of the blue-side. [Loadout cam]

    Overview of the map from the mid-back.

    This is the back walkway / tunnel thing. This walkway goes around the perimeter of most of the map.

    This is the floor on red-side.

    This is the floor on blue-side.

    Fall damage is nearly nonexistent in Mania.
    There are 7 ways to get from the bottom level to the top (without the need of a jet-pack).
    *Jet-packs aren't overpowered despite Mania being multileveled.
    *The turrets don't dominate gameplay.
    Spawn sighting (what I call seeing someone from the opposite team spawning in) is exceedingly rare.
    *Weapons and gameplay are balanced.
    *Mania is very easy to navigate. You always know where you are in the map.

    16 November 2010: Added soft-kill to the chain on red-side to prevent an unfair advantage for jet-packers.
    17 November 2010: Streamlined a man cannon.
    22 November 2010: Fixed Stockpile, territories, and oddball

    Stockpile: Turn-in locations need to be tweaked
    Stockpile: More access to turn-in locations is needed
    Territories: Territories are currently invisible, but still functional
    Oddball: Add support for multiball

    Infection: Spawns need to be tweaked (current spawns need to receive more testing first)
    Stockpile: Turn-in points need to be rebalanced
    Assault and CTF: Support needs to be added

    Download Mania!

    *Mentioned by various playtesters immediately after playing on the map.
    Personally witnessed this. Other playtesters merely mentioned that the spawn system worked very well.

    #1 Angel of Grief, Nov 15, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2010
  2. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    YES! Haha, sorry for the excitement, but this map is awesome. I can attest to how fast-paced and balanced it is. A team holding the top has no overwhelming advantage over the team below, and there are quite a few ways to attack from. All of the weapons feel right too. The Focus Rifle is probably my favorite, and I found myself using the AR to good use too. Excellent work!

    P.S. I can't submit Pegasi Delta anymore because I don't have Gold or a Saved Film for it - if you want to submit it, that'd be great. Sorry for the late notice.
  3. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Looking good, man. The wall of tunnel braces is very eye-catching.

    EDIT: having now played on this, I can say that I enjoyed this a lot. It's one of those maps that is unfortunately hard to capture in screenshots, because the layout is a little unexpected and there's no big aesthetic razzle-dazzle going on. But for team slayer it was just fun as hell. I never got hung up or didn't understand the flow of the map, which is pretty impressive considering we jumped right into playing it without a warm-up period. It was a top-dominant kind of map, but I didn't feel too overwhelmed when I spawned on the bottom, and I was able to get up top without too much trouble. Unfortunately my teammates were not similarly inclined! But still, good game - and a very good map.
    #3 Nutduster, Nov 16, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2010
  4. klox2626

    klox2626 Forerunner

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    Great map! PLayed a few times in customs and it is pretty solid.

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