CS Maze By: Stealth Ninja88 and BryanandNick This is a maze that me and my friend made because we were bored. It is a basic maze map, there may be parts that might have to make you stop and think, but most of you should be able to get through it without much trouble. Anyway its a maze that is for 2 people (more if you would like). There is only 1 stage where you use teamwork Hint: after the out of map stage. The maze is based on Thinking, Moving, Finding, Shooting, and Luck. First stage You might need some luck to get through out of map stage This is stage with most thinking There are 2 more stages on the map, the maze part and teamwork part. Map: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=31667792 Gametype: (oddball so once you pick it up the games over) http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=31700237 hope you enjoy it.
Whenever someone tells me I have to do their puzzle map with 2 people, I always feel the urge to find a way of completing it on my own. So far I've always achieved that personal goal, this map.... ...Is no different. I found a break in your map that allowed me to complete it on my own. The window panels can be jumped through at the top, a good technique for blocking in those side rooms is by placing a bridge across the opening from the inside. Once I was outside the map it was a simple case of performing a ghost jump followed by a ghost edge jump and then going through the window panels on the other side. Here is a vid of me breaking/completing the map on my own. EDIT: OK just for fun I decided to try and do it "properly" as best I could on my own. I didn't skip out any of the puzzles and, where I could, I did them the way I think you intended. The only bit where I "cheated" was taking a grav lift with me to the "teamwork" part so I could do it solo. Here is a vid of me completing the map properly on my own.
lol yea i know theres a way through the panels but i just think that everyone is going to do it the right way but theres some people that just try to break it because they can. but thats cool that you did it by yourself the right way.