Remake Chiron TL 34

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by oltranzista, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. oltranzista

    oltranzista Ancient
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    Map Name: Chiron TL 34

    Description: Spartan Clone Training Complex. A remake of the Halo: Combat Evolved map. (2-8 players)

    Chiron TL-34 is one of our favorite maps to play using shotties + no shields at the LAN parties we have. So I made this map using great care to stay as true to the original as possible because I plan on using it at future LANs.

    I made no assumptions on this map regarding the new abilities and weapons of Halo Reach. This means there are no weapons or items placed on the map that were not in the original (the "One Flag" gametype is supported but only because I added two flag points for Multi Flag). Later on I may make an alternate version with updated weapons and items and where it supports all game types (where appropriate).

    Due to various limitations I had to make some design decisions that do not make the map “identical” to the original but it is VERY close (considering both size and layout). Since you can only have 12 teleport items I used them to join the rooms at places where the map doesn’t “naturally” fit together. The other doors are separated by shield doors.







    Added after 10 Days 7 Hours:

    I have released a version 2 of this map making it just a little more accurate. : Halo Reach : File Details

    Specifically: I added the small corner turn into the teleporter from the blue team's flag room that leads into the rocket room.
    #1 oltranzista, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2010
  2. Jolan

    Jolan Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Ekgahd! Overlapping tiles spotted in screenshot four, Abort, Abort!
    No, but since you connected a few rooms it may turn out to be revitalized. My friend and I will try it out sometime today.

    - Jolan
  3. superman7007

    superman7007 Forerunner

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    Shame on you for remaking this map! I awlays got turned around and confused. But great job on the remake. It looks very nice! A+
  4. oltranzista

    oltranzista Ancient
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    Wow, two responses to one of my maps! I assumed that when I posted these they went out into the abyss and no one cared. I have not yet played any games on this map yet, but I will have a LAN on the 12th of November so I figure it will get at least 2 or 3 play tests to reveal any oversights.

    RE: Overlap on screen shot 4: Yep, I'm afraid I couldn't get the same geometry without the overlap, at least there is no z-fighting. :D
  5. yomilo

    yomilo Forerunner

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    It looks good, but it does not have all the rooms...

    Why do not check my chiron... maybe drop a comment... and maybe we can forge together someday to make the ULTIMATE CHIRON AND TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!

    But seriously...

    :) I have been checking all the chirons around the internet and non is more accurate than mine... but they are all certainly prettier...

    Btw... I stole your "double window" Idea on the squared room with the four teleporters for the version 2 of my map...

    I just wanted to tell you/apologize/thank you :)
  6. oltranzista

    oltranzista Ancient
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    Lol, ok what room(s) have I left out? Did you actually download it and walk around it in forge or are you just going by the pictures?

    I did reference the overhead layout pic from bungie and the map itself in game.

    Because of the lack of teleporters anyone remaking this map will have to make design compromises. But I still stand by my statement that my remake is still the most accurate accurate relating to scale and spawn points. Plus it is easy on the eyes.

    Anyhow, we both like chiron, can't we all just get along?

  7. DrSammyD

    DrSammyD Forerunner
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    Will you quit pimping your own maps in other people's threads. Your the same person that decided to tag my Chiron remake as terrible. Guess what guy. It's the most downloaded Chrion Remake of all of them, and even this one is better than yours. The corner hallway idea is not a good mechanic for gameplay.
    #7 DrSammyD, Nov 24, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2010
  8. Jolan

    Jolan Forerunner
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    Well, after playing with a few others I must say that I have no idea which rooms represent the old areas from Halo 1 (though we never played it anyways). I'd like to suggest adding some lighting or changing the colors on some of the pieces because most parts in Forge look alike. Maybe color-code each room chunk?

    - Jolan
  9. yomilo

    yomilo Forerunner

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    BTW, I was not pimping my map... :) i was telling you if you want to forge together with me...

    And also I am bumping your map to the first page by posting in your map, so, you must be gratefull :)

    Moreover, I am not speaking **** about your map, I like it...
  10. oltranzista

    oltranzista Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol, the guy (sammy d) you are quoting and replying to in the above post did not make the map in this thread. i made the map, and by the way i do appreciate the bumps. :D
  11. yomilo

    yomilo Forerunner

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    So, whadya say about forging a Chiron together? take a look at mine... I peeked at yours already...

    Edited by merge:

    Oh, in that Case, yeah, I remember SammyD Chiron... It sucks, do not bother downloading...
    #11 yomilo, Dec 5, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2010

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