
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by DeathstarsOG, Nov 18, 2010.

  1. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I am always down to run customs on this or any other map. Send me an FR if you'd like to get together anytime. I'm glad you guys are enjoying the map and can see the CE inspiration. And yes, the map has NO framerate issues. I spent alot of time making sure of that.
  2. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Enjoyment can be judged on a few different levels, depending on the players and the knowledge of the map which those players have. So I think I'll break it down:


    Going in to the map for the first time is actually quite exhilerating. As a newcomer, myself and others were able to navigate the map easily, and the unique aesthetic features really left most of us awestruck. No area was too powerful, nor was one too weak, and being cornered was never an issue. Spawns especially allowed players to get back into the action as quickly as possible, while not being too vulnerable.

    Intermediate Players

    When playing with a group of somewhat experienced players for this map, it only got better. The Rocket rush is always intense, making for some epic and hilarious situations revolving around the train. This is also the stage in which the small bits of cover on the main floor around the train made a big difference, along with the additional minor weapons found on the map (Non MLG version). Not a single weapon went unused, and the balance was beautiful.

    Advanced Players

    Here's where the issue arises. When playing with any group of more advanced players, especially those who had previously played the map multiple times, gameplay became very stale. The layout is very simplistic, and the only interesting area in terms of movement was the lift by the grenade launcher, which created some hilarious moments from time to time. However, the movement became very repetitive very quickly, even in an intense 4v4 with MLG settings.

    So, in summary, the map is very enjoyable for beginners and intermediate players, but gameplay becomes stale and repetitive after multiple test sessions with advanced players.

    Enjoyment Score: 7/10


    I was actually very impressed with the balance of the map. As playtesting continued, myself and others actually found that really unsuspecting places, like the top of the train, could actually be very useful and controllable. And despite the large vertical seperation of Green room compared to the main atrium, flow never revolved around that area, or any others, as a specific control point. What is even more intruiging, is the nearly-symmetrical layout, but asymmetric appearance, which makes team games a blast, especially in 4v4s. The weapons also really counteracted one-another, along with each power weapon's spawn. The rocket launcher spawn is quite possibly the best example of risk vs reward I've seen in a long time, and obtaining the rockets while surviving was an incredibly difficult task. The grenade launcher, though, seemed to be a bit powerful considering its fast spawn time. However, it was no major issue, and it hardly interrupted the balance of the game.

    Balance Score: 9/10


    You've always been notorious for your incredible spawns, Deathstars. It's really hard to say when a spawn system is "Incredible" though, since it's usually such a black and white situation. They either work, or they don't, right? Right?! Wrong. With this map as an example, you show how spawns are done properly on such a small, simple layout. Not only that, but the spawns along with the design also promoted conflict in specific areas, like across the main atrium or across green room, so that battles didn't occur too often by the grenade launcher spawn or other areas of the sort. I was a tad confused with the very asymmetric assortment of them, but hey, they worked! They worked to perfection. In addition, the lift never failed, there were no bumps, everything was forged very cleanly. Fantastic job in this respect.

    Durability Score: 10/10


    Oh boy oh my. From the well-structured train, to the epic TV screens, from the benches to the caved-in tunnels, this map has maintained a solid theme better than any other I've ever seen. Everything makes perfect sense, hell, even the lift could be considered a ladder. Each area was well-colored, making for great callouts, and the massive TV screens really helped to differentiate each side very quickly and easily. In addition, you also payed a lot of attention towards making the floor and ceiling interesting as well, while having it remain smooth. Simply stunning.

    Aesthetics Score: 10/10


    Originality is a very loose term, and I personally like to judge it on a couple different criteria. The ideology, and the layout.

    The map is certainly unique in respect of its theme, and the execution of the theme. Forgers often use the same aesthetic multiple times in different variations to create theme in a map, but you took it a step further. First, you wanted to make a train station, something that would be familiar. Next, you ingeniously created an assortment of different aesthetics that, although different, still follow the universal theme. This also created a fantastic variety of visuals, making a nearly-symmetric map feel very asymmetric, with each area having its own attitude. In this respect, you deserve some sort of prize for your valiant efforts.


    However, there is an issue. Layout, which is the most difficult thing to invent, and then balancing this invention, even more difficult. Is Transit balanced? Yes, absolutely. However, let's look at why. The map is essentially two rooms, two side hallways, and one middle hallway with a lift. After that, small intricate things were added to spice up the dullness of the design, such as a train and the other asymmetric differences. But it's still just two rooms and three halls. Simplicity certainly isn't a bad thing, but because of it, gameplay becomes stale, and the map becomes lost in a chasm of other maps with similar designs.


    Originality Score: 6/10.



    After all is said and done, Transit is a fantastic map, it really is. Though it may get stale when played excessively, who wants to play a map that much anyways? Great job, Deathstars, I'm looking forward to your future works.
  3. Zlayer VII

    Zlayer VII Forerunner

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    This is probably my favorite forged map so far in Reach. I like that it's aesthetically pleasing but still simple and playable.

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