Introduction My First ForgeHub Impressions....

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Bobby Kraft, Nov 17, 2010.

  1. Bobby Kraft

    Bobby Kraft Forerunner

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    So... I joined forge hub more then a month ago and I have to say I'm bit disappointed. The website is organized well, the people here seem fun, and there is lots of things going on here that I really appreciate. I like the contests, the map review idea and the constant updates to display feature after feature. BUT I do have some despairing concerns.... I posted 2 maps for review, entered the Remake contest, tried to post a couple unique maps for the masses, and also I have tried to help whomever I have come across and ITS A GHOST TOWN HERE OR SOMETHING. I have not recieved a single well thought out response to ANYTHING I have posted, no site of results for anything anywhere at all ever. I just got done checking to see if there may be some results posted on the remake contest only to see that (just 2 days ago) that the mapmaking judging process has not moved forward. I dunno maybe I just needed to vent or something but I PARTICIPATE and get left sitting on the bench. I get the impression that you need to be part of the "forge hub cool crowd" to even get a response to anything around here... so yeah im disgruntled you could say but moreso I'm just disappointed about my experience here on forge hub. Hell I doubt anyone will even read this let alone respond or actually take the time to look at something I posted anywhere.... (*this message leaves plenty of topics to respond to or adress)
    -one stressed out gamer
  2. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Venting would be a good start.

    Secondly, it's a lot harder to get your map noticed "by the masses" with Reach than it was with Halo 3. Simply because there have been so many new people, who all seem to like to make maps.... LOTS of maps.

    You are doing the smart thing getting more involved with the community though. That can only benefit you in being recognized. Which will then also apply to your maps.

    Wait and see if the flood dies down a bit before posting another map. I know I'm waiting to see if it's going to.
  3. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You could try joining the testers guild, customs lobby or review hub.
  4. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
    Senior Member

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    Myself and the other administrator made a map which he posted and it only had like four happens in a community this big.

    The remake contest is done now..but I don't think you realize that it had over 100 entries..that's a lot of maps to judge.

    But honestly, yes in order to get any real notice around here you have to become known. That's either by doing a lot of small things and meeting people (testers guild, contests, etc) or by doing something spectacular (making the next hit mini game). But this is no different than anything else. I mean if you walk into a room with 200 people, you can't expect for them all to pay attention to you unless you work your way around and talk to everyone, or you scream really loudly. Screaming loudly here will likely just get you infracted or banned, so I would recommend going to first route :)
  5. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Well, I suppose I'll be the only person without a colorful name to comment on this. However, I know the feeling. I've been around for a while (though I only have 350 posts), and I see the same things happening to my maps. Funny thing is, I'll ask a question in a thread, and it'll be answered within a day. But when I spend a day editing pictures to make a map post or preview look good, it gets no recognition. Admittedly, my first Halo 3 maps were pretty bad, but they got better. Now, while I haven't posted any actual maps for Reach yet, my posts get little to no feedback. I've had one about a clan meeting map that got maybe 2 comments. Sure, there's a few of those, but mine had some original features. My latest preview is of a map that I'm really quite happy about - not only was it a well designed map, but the idea was one that I've never seen before. I posted two previews about it, one of some pictures taken at the beginning of the maps construction, and one telling people what it is, when it'll be released, and what makes it different than other infection maps. Neither preview had a single comment.

    Sure, it sounds kind of petty, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that it happens to a lot of us. You're not the only one.
    On a side note, welcome to Forgehub. I'll take a look at the maps you posted. I won't download them now, 'cause I'll probably forget about them, but I'll do what I can to give constructive feedback on them.
  6. Bobby Kraft

    Bobby Kraft Forerunner

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    My gratitude and respects

    I appreciate all your responses Nibs, Shock, Chris (I assume its Chris sorry if I am wrong) and Plasma. After posting this I did some "forge hub research" and some things dawned on me... I realize that there must be far more maps coming out of reach then there was in halo 3 (for obvious reasons im sure we all know). I also realize because of that fact that there is many more people like me just getting into reaching out to the community more thru websites like this. I know all of this has made all your positions here very busy lately. I understand more now and can empathize ( I tentatively run an at home magic league). I not only want to say thank you but offer myself in any way I can help out around here. I do plan on attempting to join the review team but I do not mind helping out in different ways as well.
  7. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Regarding map feedback, there have been 3173 map/gametype threads posted in the Reach section in the 71 days since release. That is... a lot to say the least. Many are going to get overlooked.

    Stay active in sections besides the map forum, and join customs or testing sessions, and send out friend requests to as many people as you can that you like playing with, and before you know it you'll be an integrated part of this community too. Just about everyone here was where you are now at one point, and even though forgehub is much bigger than other forge sites now it's still very possible to make it your home if you just stay active.
  8. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It is really hard to get noticed even if you participate a lot in the community and have a decent signature linked to your map. There are a lot of awesome maps by veteran members that don't get noticed even. Had a chat with Stevo the other day about one such map, Oracle, that's phenomenal but keeps getting buried under the onslaught of new map releases.
    I think one major issue at hand is that there are a lot of sub-par maps that keep getting bumped. Perhaps not intentionally, but the creator will hold a conversation of sorts with any one that posts in their thread, hence serving the purpose of bumping it. I think the moderators here need to step up their enforcement of bumps and what can be considered bumps to help combat this. The community also needs to step back a bit in commenting on sub-par maps... At least commenting in the thread itself. Perhaps take advantage of the PM tools and message the creator directly with your comments or criticisms of their map?

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