Immure (testing)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Hokets, Nov 23, 2010.

  1. Hokets

    Hokets Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hi there.

    This is a map I've been working on for the past couple of months. It's just about finished, and I'd like to get some more feedback before I finalize it. It's a symmetrical map made with free-for-games in mind, and supports everything but Invasion and Race.

    Bridge room

    Blue lift room

    Red Glass

    Blue crate room

    Red balcony

    Thanks for having a look. Let me know if you would like to help test; I'd really appreciate it.

    Edit: The final thread has been posted. Check it out here:
    #1 Hokets, Nov 23, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
  2. SEspider

    SEspider Forerunner
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    I myself love simple looking maps like this. Can't get lost. ;)
    That said, and still not having played it yet, I'm a bit worried about getting lost in it. The layout looks great, but it's very flat looking? I mean there doesn't seem to be much to help gamers locate where they are when they spawn outside their main base area. The colored lights do help some, but they are easy to miss in a heavy fight. I do like the addition of the grass platform, but more seems to be needed. I would throw in a couple curved edges/corners in key areas.

    But what do I know. I've not even played it yet. lol
  3. Dizzyman572

    Dizzyman572 Forerunner

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    This is a very nice map, nice balanced fun as I like to say. The fact that your
    supporting so many gametypes is great in my book. I also noticed how you sank in the columns around the rails, makes me wanna do that for some of my future maps.
    I can't help test this map due to my internet, but I know a group of guys that will. They'll even make a video for you and post it on youtube. That is if you accept of course.
  4. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
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    This looks really like you actually took the time to make, but you didn't go overboard. This map is simple but not simple to the point the it looks boring. No, not at all. I believe that simplicity in a map is a good thing, but if it's too simple it's probably not going to go anywhere. Luckily this map is either or.
  5. wi1lywonka

    wi1lywonka Ancient
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    Damn, when I saw the name I had thought you made a remake of Immure from Halo Custom Edition, and for some reason I pictured the flying jet bikes on the map, my head pretty much exploded. Anyway, it looks like you used some 'Halo' architecture, the Blue Crate room reminds me of Damnation. I'll DL and post back.
  6. SlySonikku

    SlySonikku Forerunner

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    I played this map last night, and it immediately evoked feelings of Halo's minimalistic multiplayer levels. It was very nostalgic feeling.

    It played like them to; it can get quite hectic, and there was plenty of fun to be had with the slayer matches played. The only complaint was that some parts were not quite distinctive enough for one to be able to tell what side of the map they're on, but that's a simple fix. Highly recommended.
  7. klox2626

    klox2626 Forerunner

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    This map is one of my favorites. Very solid and neatly sectioned off into rooms that provide great face offs!
  8. Hokets

    Hokets Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Immure has been posted!

    Thanks for the suggestions. I've added a few aesthetic pieces in the form of rock planters in the lift rooms and bottom balconies, seen here:



    There's also a couple of Covenant crates and a window that didn't make it into the last batch of pictures.



    Unfortunately, the lights had to be cut due to frame rate issues, but what I've added will hopefully do the trick. Thanks again, and be sure to check out the final version.
    #8 Hokets, Nov 30, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010

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