
Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by CoookkieMonster, Nov 23, 2010.

  1. CoookkieMonster

    CoookkieMonster Ancient

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    Hello, and welcome to my newest city map to date, Avenue! It is much better than Boulevard, for it is faster paced, longer, bigger, has more scenery, a tunnel, a jump, and some inclines. These features add some very fun effects to the map, and it is an amazingly fun map with a large group of people, having collisions galore! Has a starting gate and a few missing pieces-at-start to prevent ANY headstarts! So without further adieu, start your engines and let's head onto the streets of Avenue!
    Here's the city itself
    Starting Gate
    Single-wide highway turn and JUMP THROUGH BUILDING
    Landing and Forge Way, headed towards lighthouse
    Turn Around the functional lighthouse
    Downtown and turn around small park
    Monster Avenue (view off of rooftop)
    Exit ramp into underground tunnel
    Underground tunnel (Goes under whole city and comes out to lighthouse)
    Rotary in front of courhouse
    Marmalade Parkway, last road, with tight right turn and straightaway back to the start
    Skycopter view
    Whole Map
    #1 CoookkieMonster, Nov 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2011
  2. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    Looks cool. Going to give it a download and check it out when I get home. I'm writing this post to ask one question about one of the turns.

    The Lighthouse turn pictured above seems to have a weird checkpoint on it. I'm guessing that's intentional but it seems like you are forcing players to the outside of the turn when there is plenty of drivable surface area that you could use to take a tight corner if the checkpoint was arranged differently. I would say either use objects to force the checkpoint or re-arrange the checkpoint so people can take the corner however they please. I like the second option (may even change it myself for fun lol) as I think it helps to increase passing opportunities as opposed to bunching people up.

    If I'm completely wrong about that turn just let me know since I haven't actually played it, that was just what it looked like based on the picture.
  3. CoookkieMonster

    CoookkieMonster Ancient

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    Thanks actually. I heard that same critique from a friend, and it IS intended for taking a wide turn, however i will just make it length wise so you can take it sharp, thanks for the advice!
  4. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    No problem :)

    Map does look great and I'm looking forward to trying it when I get home :)
  5. CoookkieMonster

    CoookkieMonster Ancient

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    Yes I had a game of 8 last night, and a game of 9 tonight, and it is extremely fun and full of collisions! I cant even IMAGINE it with 16, that is something I want to try soon =D
  6. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    Nice. We should friend each other on XBL if you like doing race customs, it's some of the most fun stuff out there.

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