Wait.. You're raging at people in party chats who are most likely communicating with someone who is more likely to communicate back with them and react to their communications & you're not mad at the masses of people who don't even use mics..
lol well apparently you guys are seeing my point. @B3NW - no mics and party chat = the same thing! yes im mad, all im saying is that everyone is doing it. when i am on a team, they can clearly see i have a mic, and i want them to back out of party chat. ie SnD not knowing if they see people is annoying. this is all im trying to say @security - yes your point is valid. but by communicating you can better kill enemies! on another note. are you serious? b/c that looks like a troll comment...are you honestly saying that you never communicate?
This should have been posted as a blog. I'm reporting this and I just wanted to let you know where to go post this. This is not a discussion worthy thread, It's single opinions, which will result in something more serious. Think before you post.