This guy is freakin crazy. How the hell do you get that many onyx commendations. I know he has no life but come on. He has all the matchmaking commendations onyx. FTW Can someone please tell me how he managed to most likely boost all those commendations in matchmaking. Also if you have seen anyone who is better than this than post a link to his bungie service record. EPIC INSANITY!!!!!!!
apparently they're doing it in Invasion. rumble pit would take ages. : Reach : Game Details
ppl that boost the matchmaking commendations are only hurting themselves. I have seen General Grade 4's with only 50% commendation completeion XD losers like that guy dont realize that commendations give you bonus credits based on how you play in game. If you boost to max them out then you are only ruining your bonuses. When he gets to the super high ranks getting CR will rely completly on game completion and slot machine XD rather than the commendation bonuses cause he maxed them out like an idiot XD