
Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Aquatic, Oct 23, 2010.

  1. Aquatic

    Aquatic Forerunner

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    Added the video to the post.
  2. gingerninjasam

    gingerninjasam Ancient

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    First I must say that this is a great puzzle map. Straightforward, but not necessarily easy to do.

    on puzzle 1, you can kill yourself with the DMR
    puzzle 3 you can grenade jump up the ledge
    puzzle 4. Took us ages to find the mongoose, then Wow! We got lost and rode the mongoose back through the little hole in the wall, back to the island to look for the sniper... didn't realize It was just there (where it actually is).
    #22 gingerninjasam, Nov 22, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2010
  3. Aquatic

    Aquatic Forerunner

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    Sorry for the late reply. Haven't checked this thread for a while.

    Puzzle 1: Really? I'll have to try that. I'll see if I can replace it with a better weapon.
    Puzzle 3: You mean where the Sniper Rifle is? That was kind of meant to be so first. But you might lose the grenade after the jump. So I put a ramp in case you would. Keeping it is kinda like a bonus, I guess.
    Puzzle 4: LOL, I never thought of that. Using the mongoose to the get through the hole. :p I only tried crouching with the spartan. I gotta fix that.

    Thanks for pointing out those things. Will get them fixed as soon as possible.

    EDIT: I fixed so you can't drive to the island and some other small things in version 1.1. I couldn't manage to kill myself with the DMR though.
    #23 Aquatic, Dec 25, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2011
  4. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Just wanted to say thank you for creating such an incredible puzzle map, and also, at the same time, helping my channel ;-)

    Was wondering if you ahve fixed the DMR kill bug? Ive tried it, but I havent been able to replicate it anyway!

    And as for the supposed grenade jump, if you can, then its much easier, but again, its risky, thats why I went for just jumping it.

    happy playing!
  5. ToXiC SPlaTTeRz

    ToXiC SPlaTTeRz Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    eeh, im sorry to tell you but i dont really think this map is original, i mean with the fusion coils and with the snipers, mongooses, random death barriers and thumpers . almost every puzzle map has that a thousend times. ive seen this all before so i think this is just a remake of old ideas, just like most maps.
  6. sarascorpia

    sarascorpia Forerunner

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    yes! i just completed it! it to me ages to do thie bit where u jump down tho lol awsome map keep them coming!!!
  7. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    lol. Took me a while on the walkthrough too hehe. I accidentally killed myself like 3 times though when I finally got down though!

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