Hey community, Zow Jr here, presenting to you, PONG PONG is a fantastic new competitive mini game based off of the oldest video game ever. So what is PONG Reach edition? Well here's the basics. You get a grenade launcher, slightly slower movement speed, and no jump. You heard me, no jump. That's because this is your arena from red side. From blue side In the Middle. In the old PONG game, you had to get a square ball into your opponents goal, past their bumpers. This is the same thing, but you are the ball, goal, and bumper! You must bounce grenades into your opponents like this. And kill them like this. Be careful. Your opponents are trying to do the exact same thing to you! If you die, which is likely, you respawn with invincibility, and can still do damage, but only for 5 seconds. You okay? you look a little green. Watch out for anyone green. As an interesting touch, I gave you two armor abilities to choose from, Evade, not shown, gives you a quick way out of an explosion, wiht enough juice to return to the fight. And Armor lock! It allows you to block all damage done to you, but be careful not to hold it, you are visible from the other side, and people might be in wait for you to finish so as to kill you! Each AA has it's ups and downs, use each wisely. The first to 100 points wins. The score is by 5 so that means 20 kills to win. This, combined with a nostalgic feel to playing PONG is sure to give players a fun, unforgettable competitive game sure to blow the minds of many, literally. Take a look at these action shots from the game! Have fun, and don't forget to DL! PONG! Oh and believe it or not, this is my first map that I ever made on Halo Reach! I know right? It doesn't look like it. Gameplay video: YouTube - PONG! DOWNLOAD PONG ARENA! And... DOWNLOAD PONG SLAYER!
Looks good. The first picture made me almost hit the back button though. I didn't realize that was just there for decoration. I've been working on a really similar game type myself with the difference being that my game was more about aiming upwards instead of downwards. I'll try yours out with some friends later today. I can see this being pretty fun.
This looks really fun not vary pong like but a good game this actually gives me an idea for a working pong game hmmmm well good job.
The point was to reminisce PONG and not actually remake it. If i wanted to remake it, i could have used a stockpile game, but that would have been too easy. But thanks for the feedback
Wow this actually looks really fun =) can't wait to download and try it out. Nice attention to details aesthetically and a strong core gameplay
EY. is wha I do! It is kinda nice to get noticed for detail, because that was the trickiest part. I wanted to have a simple concept that looked good. As you have seen with most other "simple concept" maps, it is quite hard. SO thank you for noticing. And the gameplay as I soon figured out was affected well by my placement of objects. It felt good. (considering this was my first map and I didn't know jack about the coordinates and how useful they could be, nor did I use any fancy shmancy placement on here either, but it turned out well. I'm more proud of my first map that any other map believe it or not! Oh and believe it or not, I'm making a PONG remake that utilizes the sadly age old concept of golf balls and stockpile capture zones. But I think I will have some luck with it.
ill download it but looks pretty repetative... maybe on a V2 add a seccond floor so you can shoot above or below? or just make it so you can shoot above or below?
Tried it and unfortunately that got repetitive . No one would shoot down. Good that someone brought it up though. Trust me hombre the repeating fun of this game is what defines this as a mini game and all others like it.
Pong is not the oldest video game The earliest known interactive electronic game was by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann on a cathode ray tube. The patent was filed on January 25, 1947 and issued on December 14, 1948. The game was a missile simulator inspired by radar displays from World War II. It used analog circuitry, not digital, to control the CRT beam and position a dot on the screen. Screen overlays were used for targets since graphics could not be drawn at the time. anyways still a cool map
my bad, misunderstanding. I meant to say one of the oldest. It was a copy/paste from Xforgery so I failed on that part. lemme edit that.
I love this concept, and it looks really fun, hectic and well designed. Ill have to download this one!
By the oneups to be exact. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Glad you like it. It was the first map I decided to post and already it has gotten some fame. Need to fixx the DL link though i think so Ima get to work
PONG Spoiler PONG is a small, 8-12 player map with games that last ten to fifteen minutes each that supports its own gametype, just like every single other mini-game. But PONG is definatly far from your everyday mini-game map. Both teams will spawn on opposite ends of a small, enclosed room, and attempt to blow each other up by either shooting grenade launcher rounds or fuel rod rockets at each other. Although this sounds easy, it is most certainly not. The twist of this map is that players have to shoot their mortars at the ground, and deflect them upwards into their enemies for a kill. This extra involvement, when taking fire themselves makes for a frenzied, chaotic atmosphere that many players will enjoy immensely. Couple this with two armour abilities and things only get more interesting. Players will rapidly be changing from offence to defence in fast raging battles. However, there are still flaws within PONG. First of all, there is an easily found "sweet spot" to placing mortars. This is so easily recognizable as there is a line running straight down the middle, that players can use to judge where this spot is every time. After players find this spot, just about everything that makes PONG fun, such as the use of armour abilities ceases. However, the biggest effect of this spot is that the difficulty drops to a sub pre-school level/ Another fault in this map is that the gametype is fairly poor. It can take a long time to kill anybody, especially with the fuel rod. This is caused partly because of the difficulty of taking accurate shots, but mainly because players still have full shields. Presently, PONG requires a direct hit to score an instant-kill, and two to four blast radius impacts. The creator really should have made radius damage require only two impacts for a kill. This extreme difficulty causes slow gameplay in a game that is intended to be fast, causing gameplay that feels forced. Not only that, but this can make games rather boring, and creates scenarios in which three quarters of the team get a very low score, and one good player get the vast majority of all the kills for that team. Not only is this dull, but it is such an easily avoidable error, and that makes it especially disappointing. There is also one small problem with the layout; there are sloping barriers at the sides. This means that bullets sometimes accidentally ricochet back at the players they came from. The frustration caused by this could quite easily result in quitting. Once players have spent about fifteen minutes on this game, they will not wish to play it again, at least for a very long time. This is made much worse when the game is set to one hundred points with no time limit. Potentially, this map could be a custom games disaster. Having said that, one factor that players will find entertaining is the use of armour abilities. In PONG there are just two; Armour Lock and Evade. Armour lock fits perfectly in this game, and does not give anybody a giant advantage. Nor is it more useful than evade. Some players will like the idea of being agile; others will like the ability of being a tank. Players will love the way armour abilities play into this game, which only makes the gameplay more enticing. This is where PONG truly excels. No team has a large advantage over the other. All new players will have to go through a learning curve in order to be successfull, and this must be done quickly; the first team to find their feet will often be victorious. But not by much though. In PONG, teams can expect to win by no more than ten points, which over a hundred kill limit is astonishingly good. The weapon balancing has been done cleverly aswell. While the fuel rod is fun to use and all, if one team loses theirs and has to wait till it respawns the other team will not dominate them. If anything, the fuel rod is just there to create an atmosphere, as it is a bit under-powered in this map. Compared to the grenade launcher, the fuel rod in this map will only kill about half as much as the grenade launcher. It seems as though fuel rods were jut thrown into this map with no real purpose or effect upon the game. But it is still more fun and chaotic when a player wields that mammoth of a gun, so all can be forgiven. Next, credit has to be given to the balance of the armour abilities. When using armour abilities, it may or may not work out for the player. Sometimes it backfires, and a player could accidentally evade from one incoming bullet straight into another. Sometimes when a player goes into armour lock there is a waiting grenade by their feet. This is hard accomplished. Armour lock is not over-powered either. It gives players no significant advantage over others, and is only really useful when the player knows what they are doing. Like many maps, PONG takes place in a sealed off box. There is absolutely no way to escape whatsoever. Also, players are unable to enter the centre area of the map, thanks to the gravity being set to zero percent and because the playing surface is a 1 way shield with a lipped edge, so players are pulled in. There are also no campable areas whatsoever, and it is entirely possible to place a bullet anywhere within the map. At the beginning of games it is fairly likely that some players will run to the back corners in an attempt to camp and hide. In PONG, there is nowhere to hide, and those players are the first to be taken down, which results in fairer gameplay. Also, this map does not encounter any lag whatsoever. Even when four fuel rod rockets are bouncing off every wall and corner in all directions PONG does not lag. Most of this is down to the limited aesthetics, and simple, large pieces, but is nonetheless pleasing to see in a map of this nature. As PONG uses the slayer gametype, there is no way to break the scoring system. You kill somebody, you get a point. Fortunately though, it has been tweaked so suicides are not minus one point, but betrayals still are, and the respawns timer is left unadjusted. This stops betrayal griefing by awarding them a nice long respawn timer. The spawn system is solid too. Players will never spawn outside the map or in the wrong area. This can cause problems however. Because the game surface is a tiny enclosed space spawn killing is a frequent occurrence, because players will sometimes spawn right next to a bullet, which kills them. PONG is pretty average aesthetically speaking. Although most of the forging is clean and neat, the basic shape is created out of the dreaded coliseum walls that create a rather ugly looking arena. However, this choice has been done for the gameplay, to allow a clean surface that keeps players focused on the game. The map does have other, smaller areas of aesthetic interest however. First, the lighting on the red side of the court, and the blue side of the court. The lights have been placed in a position in which they only really affect the surfaces and areas on each respective side, and do not blur within the middle. This subtle lighting makes the map more interesting to look at, and much prettier overall. So too can be said about the dividing wall at the top, and the angled slopes through which grenades ricochet upwards from. The dividing wall has been made out of glass, so players cannot shoot through it, but see where their opponents are and just what they are doing. Players will love watching their grenade flying off the bottom of the map onto the opposition side and watching as it blows an opponent up. On the other hand, there are two angled lumps at the sides of the map which can be incredibly aggravating, and affect the gameplay by preventing bullets from travelling to certain areas of the map in the way players would like them too. Overall, the aesthetics of PONG have all been created to help the gameplay and prevent lag, and not to look nice. Whilst the creator's approach of form over function is understandable, some small details, such as some wall art using the large remainder of the forge budget would not have hurt. PONG has had previous incarnations in Halo 3. However, it is the first of its kind in Halo: Reach, and is the first to use the grenade launcher and the fuel rod in such a way. Apart from that, nothing new has been brought to the forging table. One way shields to prevent players escaping the map is not new, nor is the layout or the forge pieces used. On an aesthetic respect it is as boring, plain and unoriginal as Team Infinite Armour Lock. But from a gameplay point of view, it has been the first successful creation of PONG ever. And without a doubt it has separated itself from the crowd. Very, very few mini game maps have produced something as frantic and entertaining as PONG. Also, there are few maps similar to this one, and of those that are, they are miles below it. RATING MULTIPLYERS Enjoyment – 7/10 x 3.0 = 21/30 Balance – 9/10 x 3.0 = 27/30 Durability – 8/10 x 1.5 = 12/15 Aesthetics – 4/10 x 1.5 = 6/15 Originality – 6/10 x 1.0 = 6/10 TOTAL = 72/100 FINAL SCORE Understanding The Review Hub's Ratings