Noble 1 Carter-S259

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by xSoGx Grim, Nov 20, 2010.

  1. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    "From the ashes and dust, a leader shall rise."
    Cover edited by The Patriot 5

    Commander Carter-A259 or also known as Sierra-259 was a part of a SPARTAN III project or the UNSC Special Naval Warfare Command. He was born in Durban, Biko on Augus 27, 2520. Just like the other Spartans, he would be conscripted into the military at the age of 11 and undergo intensive training and augmentation.

    Carter was noted to be a natural leader. One of his most notable traits is the ability to inspire confidence in those under his command. With a solid nerve, sharp focus, and the ability to react quickly and appropriately Carter has gained the unquestioned loyalty of his squad mates.

    As a leader Cater strives to succeed in his mission and bring back every member of his squad back alive. However war is unpredictable. On April 22nd, 2552, Carter led Noble Team in an operation put together by LCDRCatherine-B320 to destroy a CCS-class Battlecruiser maintaining position above a city. The operation was successful, but at the cost of Thom-293. Both Carter and Kat took responsibility over the death of Thom, unable to admit that the death of the SPARTAN was his own fault. Thom was replaced on Noble Team by SPARTAN-B312. This operation was briefly shown in the live trailer "Deliver Hope" S-293 or the orignal Noble 6 carried on the mission without waiting for backup and detonated the nuclear warhead inside the Cruiser destroying it, but sacrificing himself in the process. Kat would survive the mission, but at the cost of her right arm.
    Carter A-259 and Catherine B-320 are the only two original member of the Noble Team. (Source)
    Carter was 32 when he would make the ultimate sacrifice to insure at least a chance for humanity.














    Special thanks: to The Patriot 5 for the graphics.
    343 Industries and Halo Waypoint for keeping up with this forgeart.
    also Rifte Gifle for including Carter in a very well edited forge video.

    #1 xSoGx Grim, Nov 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2011
  2. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Lol these maps never cease to amaze me Grim. I just wish you'd inject you're creativity into competitive maps so I can enjoy them over and over. I particularly love your attention to detail in this one, especially on the helmet.

    Well done :)
  3. oOMr BecksOo

    oOMr BecksOo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Nicely done again grimjust when i think you cant top you last you do only 2 more to go!
  4. Bl0odshadow

    Bl0odshadow Forerunner

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    This creation along with your others are simply stunning :) i agree with stevo that your attention to detail really brings life to them. I especially love the detail with the spawnpoints on his armour
  5. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    If only you could drive them...
    I think Forge 2.0 really allows us to express ourselves, and you never seem to let us forget it. I just think that there should be something that makes the maps better than the screenshots, because, let's face it, you capture these rather nicely with pictures...

  6. oz0 Bradley 0zo

    oz0 Bradley 0zo Forerunner

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    even though this looks amazing i dont think it can give me the same WOW feeling that noble 6 gave me. But that doesn't take away from how good this is. Keep up the work and hopefully one day we will see a prophet to make my collection complete.(including chair)
  7. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    Thank you. I know what you mean, and there are so many great minds creating playable maps out there. I have a ton of ideas, but I reserve them and dedicate fully to aesthetics. I have no problem with people asking me to add something to their map. I gladly come in help them out.
  8. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    This looks very nice. You never disappoint, all these maps are amazing. This has to be your 3rd best map in Reach. Jun is just the best forge art you created. I really like the stuff you make. Never stop, we will tie you down to a chair so you can never leave your xbox so you can never stop making these awesome maps! Mwahahahaha!
  9. Izano Slayer

    Izano Slayer Forerunner

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    I just had a pretty awesome idea for your Noble Team Series. Once you create all of them, you should create an EXACT location in which to take a screenshot for each map. If done right, you could overlap all the pictures, and you would have all of noble team in one pic! THAT would be awesome.
  10. grimfandango

    grimfandango Forerunner

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    This is great! you never cease to amaze me with your maps! :) this one is amazing to! although out of all of them I think I liked Jun the best :)
  11. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Agreed. The helmet seems like it would have been the most challenging, but you nailed it effortlessly. Well done.
  12. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    Well I wouldn't say that it was completely effortless. The fact that 1x1 blocks blend together with distance (impostering) did not really help me. It took me some time to tweak everything to just the way I wanted it with what I had to work with. Forging SPARTANS takes about double the time that it does with the covenant. Human body ratios have to be considered otherwise it will be another monster growling "Wort wort wort..."
  13. D4ni3l G

    D4ni3l G Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Another great adition to the set, and as amazing as always Grim. Out of all the creations so far it's the attention to detail that most astounds me, like the use of propane tanks for bullets on Jun's shoulder, or Carter's squad number on his chestpiece. Also really liking how you've put each member of Noble Team in a diferent area of the map, really keeps the individuality of each creation. I actually laughed out loud at the mini Carter at the end of the video.

    So props! Keep up the good work, i can't wait for Emile and Kat.
    #13 D4ni3l G, Nov 25, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2010
  14. Dralthi

    Dralthi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is insane. What incredible attention to detail. How long does something like this take you to make? Really just unbelievable, nice job.
  15. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    WOW! Soon enough I'll have the whole noble team :D!
    Another stunning piece of forge art! Love the mask/helmet ....looks so cool! Gun looks sweet too! Great work! Another great piece of art for my forge collection! I look forward to showing it around halo :)
  16. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Noble 1 Carter S-259


    Carter is an imposing and heroic figure. So it would follow for his massive figurine to be equally overwhelming, and people would expect nothing less from a well known forge-artist; for the most part the creator of this map did a wonderful job of creating a stunning honor to Noble team’s leader. The helmet, for instance, may be the most accurate rebuilding of the Commando helmet to exist. Use of the glass as a visor is simply beautiful and breathtaking, and looks very accurate and real. The inclusion of a massive DMR and his hand signaling the rush add to the effect; a heroic pose in every sense of the word.

    The use of spawn points, however, is very disappointing. The placement on the earpiece is creative and original, but the actual color just doesn’t serve its purpose. The addition of the weird design makes them look unprofessional and takes something away from the perfection of the helmet. While that is disappointing, it doesn’t even compare to the problem with the Commando shoulder; it actually looks as if the creator was in a hurry to put them on, and the end effect is one neat, organized side counteracted with very messy placement on the other. While it was a brilliant addition, the execution brought it way down.

    The back of the shoulders and legs looked slightly rushed and broken up close, but when a player moved away from the statue, rendering caused something spectacular to happen. Those small cracks turned into wrinkles that looked as realistic as they would on a real Spartan. The feet were wonderfully constructed and looked great.

    Of course, the overall effect is the most important part of an aesthetic map. Carter’s eulogy had it in aces. From afar, it can be seen aa towering grey Spartan surrounded by the walls of the canyon. Up close, people can gaze into the eyes of the most famous Leader that Reach will ever know. Overall, this creation is simply a miracle of object use and creative placement, and it leaves player after played awed by its presence.



    The Visor was simply stunning. Never has such a well-built and instantly identifiable helmet been created for our pleasure. The use of glass and steel and ramps throughout the art leave viewers with something they can relate to easily and understand as a masterpiece. Use of spawns to create color is very unique. However, the execution of that, as previous stated, detracts from any bonus points that this map may have earned. And finally, the fact that the creator is able to stunningly churn these out with ease may blow everybody’s mind, but it actually detracts from the originality. Being the best doesn’t mean much when your style stays relatively the same.


  17. HaloGoddess

    HaloGoddess Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I gotta say that these forge art creations are pretty neat. When I first saw the skirmisher, I wanted to try and make my hayabusa character because I LOVE my 'busa............I didn't even know where to begin! Then when I saw the Noble 6 one, I wanted to make Kat. Again, ran into the same problem with the hayabusa.

    But NOW that I see YOU are the TRUE maker of the forged Carter, I am now a bit upset with someone on my friend list. He must have came across this, downloaded it, showed it to me and claimed that HE and another friend made it and spent like 12 hours or so on it. :\ I can't remember who it was though that showed me! XD

    However, while I am here, there is a tiny little thing I wanted to mention. Where you have his service tag on his shoulder. The "5" sort of looked like an "S" because of the position of the grenade launcher. When I was on this map, I took the grenade launcher, turned it around so that the handle connects to the other object and it looked a little more like a "5". I just felt the need to point that out. :p

    If I ever come across the person that claimed this as THEIR work, they are getting an earful from me!

    Out of curiosity........think you could make a hayabusa? XD hehe
  18. DeltaFoxtrot262

    DeltaFoxtrot262 Forerunner

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    The details of this map astound me. I saw in the title that it was Carter but that didn't prepare for the awesomeness. Great detail on the DMR, overall amazing right down to the pack on his lower back. Great job. DL and liked

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