Inter Quattro [SKETCH-UP PREVIEW UPDATE] UPDATE: November 22nd, 2010; Sketch-up screenshots now available. I now have the finished sketch-up images available for preview. For this map design to make sense to you, you will probably need to look over the map plans (under the spoiler) before looking through the sketch-up images; It was impossible for me to show design of the map purely in Sketch-up. I hope to have in-game previews by mid-december (In-game map is already under construction). I will probably begin testing before Christmas, and release is due sometime early in the new year. What I am looking for with this thread is feedback on the design. I have high hopes for this map so was quite eager to show off what I have so far. MAP PLANS (CLICK SPOILER) Spoiler Update: What I forgot to mention in the image above (on flow and gravity lifts): In my logical opinion, the direction of flow will largely be influenced by the direction of the ramps (clockwise) as everyone will run up them to get a height advantage. This could cause problems by having everyone going in the same direction, and therefore away from the other team. Initally, I planned for the gravity lift to throw you out 90 degree's to the left, but I have since decided this will only cause even more of an issue of clockwise-only flow. Therefore, to combat this the gravity lift will throw you out 90 degree's to the right from where you enter it (anti-clockwise). This will hopefully stop everything going in the same direction and create something I like to call "anti-flow". By the way, the gravity lift is split into four sections by walls (so you can't see straight through to the other side). SKETCHUP SCREENSHOTS
So what your saying is you like the look of a swastika? hmmmmm....... Anyway I like how you have developed it and i hope you take as much time making the map as you have making the preview.
From looking at it, my only concern is a major lack of cover, or over use there of, on the top floor. I know it's supposed to be a risk-to-vantage point type of deal, but just saying
I understand what you mean about the top being overpowering.. I was largely concerned about the spawning in the early stages of developing this map plan, but have since decided that if I get the spawn system right, that the 'spawn rooms' are for initial spawns only; after that, players will spawn throughout the map, depending on where is safe. Anyway, I don't believe the overlooking top floor will be too seriously overpowering, as there are multiple routes into the centre of the top floor, so it is unlikely for one team to control it at all times. Unfortunately, I doubt multi-team will work on this map, which was one of the gametypes i had high hopes for; this is due to the four initial spawn rooms having direct sight of 2 other spawn rooms straight from the start. Also, a word on flow and gravity lifts which I somehow forgot to mention in the Original Post. I think the direction of flow will largely be influenced by the direction of the ramps (clockwise) as everyone will run up them to get a height advantage. This could cause problems by having everyone going in the same direction, and therefore away from the other team. Initally, I planned for the gravity lift to throw you out 90 degree's to the left, but I have since decided this will only cause even more of an issue of clockwise-only flow. Therefore, to combat this the gravity lift will throw you out 90 degree's to the right from where you enter it (anti-clockwise). This will hopefully stop everything going in the same direction. By the way, the gravity lift is split into four sections (so you can't see straight through to the other side); I don't think I made this clear in the Original Post. Sketch-up pics coming later today probably, in-game pics possibly by the end of the week (don't take my word on that)
I will definitely be anticipating the release of this map. I can certainly see it playing like Epitaph, but with more gameplay towards the center. I doubt that the layout will cause top mid to be overpowering. If you create enough routes (not to many though) you won't have to worry about that problem occurring.