I'm currently building a map based off the Halo 2 Campaign Level: Regret. The part of the campaign is the "Hunter room" where there are multiple levels of Honor Guards, Jackals, "buggers" and Hunters. "Hunter Room": What I currently Have: There are some minor differences, and above all the map will look very different. But hopefully, the layout will be the same. The only problem I've come across so far is the Collesium is smaller than this section of the campaign...
In a weird sort of way, this turns me on. LOL JK, but it does look very accurate atm, and i liked that level muchly. I like how you've changed the aesthetics in parts, because at times the aesthetics in Halo CE, could get quite boring.. I have a feeling this could play really well, so finish it. Naow.
*Cough* Halo 2 *cough* Yeah, and also the pieces in Reach aren't exactly the same. I have no idea how i'm going to do the centre
Halo 2..? eurghh i swear the graphics were way better than that on Halo 2 :L so long since i played it so i get the two campaigns mixed up
Lol, this is halo 2 for pc, with better graphics than the xbox version... plus, EVERYTHING is on high
Since you said that the Colosseum is smaller that that section of the campaign, are you going to leave out a small part of it or just make it smaller?
The distance between the two bases is almost the same, so a few sections will be slightly narrower. However, the stretch across the middle seems very slim... so I may have to make the top floor skinnier on both sides... I haven't managed to completely evaluate the area yet but fingers crossed I have enough budget/items for it :|
I miss the AR too....er um I mean the beam rifle. Although I have always preferred the the sniper rifle. Anyways, I hope you have enough items too because there is nothing worse that an unfinished map with great potential.
Indeed... I currently have... 2 walls, like 40 blocks, 80(ish) inclines (which will surprisingly come in handy a lot!!!) 30 Decoratives Items, about 30 Bridges/Platforms, 12 Buildings, 50 Natural, 2 Grid Sooo.. by the looks of things, it seems do-able. However, my budget is sat at like $5000 or something.... I'll keep you guys updated with progress though.
So far, it looks pretty cool. I gotta admit, this was one of my favorite missions to play, especially on Legendary with my little bro. I always loved playing Halo 2 on Legendary, but this part was really fun. But on Topic, it looks really nice so far, keep it up, I really want to see this map. Good Luck.
Updated pictures: Prophet walked away during the broadcast of the hologram. It just so happens, hover chairs DON'T include toilets.... I "Flamed" Bungie for hiding skulls in halo 3 in stupidly easy places... Turns out they got revenge on me and put a Flaming Skull above my door... Nice one guys (Y) Caution: Low flying Grizzly Bears may be hazardous to your health and others around you. Please shoot on sight.
I'm gonna have nightmares of drone squads AND the four ****in hunters playin that again.... It looks amazing. Link me when its done please!
Looks like you've got an impressive map going on. I can't wait to see the final product of Regret and to pwn my friends on it.
Already Fixed... Only issues that reside now are Bomb Goals, Neutral Bomb spawn and Middle "Dead" zone in the respawn system (that's only about 0.5 wide, but still affects spawns slightly... On another note... The map is now Formerly known as "Remorse" as the map is somewhat different to 'Regret' as the collesium is a much smaller playable area that the campaign section.
I really enjoyed the FFA we tested on it yesterday, the only negative thing was TZ and the lack of needle rifles (or my failing in finding them). Invite me for some team games if you see me online. Do it .. Do it now!