
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Damo, Nov 18, 2010.

  1. Damo

    Damo Forerunner

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    This is version 2 of the map formerly known as TRON. See my last post for a list of changes.




    Enter an explosive, plasma-fuelled ghostarama of a map. Small but perfectly formed, this arena is ideal for more intimate games - 1v1 up to 4v4 and free-for-all.
    Compatible with all gametypes (including race), Afterglow is especially good with the below:

    Elite Slayer
    Team Oddball
    Neutral Bomb Assault
    King of the Hill

    Want the full cyber-tastic experience? If you're feeling in a plasma mood, try replacing the default weapons as below:

    Assault rifle > Plasma repeater
    Pistol > Plasma pistol
    2 frag grenades > 2 plasma grenades

    This is not necessary to enjoy the map, but does gives an authentic TRON-like experience.

    Brace for carnage!


    It all kicks off here in free-for-all. You'll be spawning into one of these bunkers, of which there are eight spaced around the edges of the map. The shield doors provide a safe-zone so you're not spawning into a hailstorm of plasma, but don't get comfortable in there. Those soft kill zones mean you've got 10 seconds to get into the fight.

    Team games start western style, with each side facing off across the grid for a good old-fashioned quick-draw. Players respawn in their half of the arena around the perimeter and in the spawn bunkers, able to quickly rejoin the battle.


    This will most likely be your first objective. We've got 4 ghosts and an overshield (replaced by the neutral objective in objective games) in the centre of the map. This is where things get very messy, very fast, so if you want one of those goodies - get amongst it.


    If you fancy your chances on foot then you'll want to go for one of these two bridges. There's an energy sword on the blue bridge and a plasma launcher on the green one. Cause some carnage.

    Other equipment:
    2 x needle rifle
    2 x needler
    4 x plasma repeater
    4 x plasma pistol
    8 x plasma grenades
    2 x healthpacks (1 pictured above)


    We've also got a two-way teleporter next to each bridge. These provide you with quick escape routes and a means to flank and disorientate your opponents. If the plasma hits the fan and you've got a ghost on your tail - these teleporters are your buddies.


    These corner arches provide you with a little extra cover, and each holds a plasma pistol - handy if you're being buzzed by a pesky ghost.

    Got all that? Good. Prepare to terminate.


    Watcha Forgehub! This is my first post and indeed my first Forge map (in either Halo 3 or Reach). Constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement are welcome - if I get enough then I will make a version 3.​

    As it stands I'm quite proud of it, and it's proven to be a lot of fun in playtesting. Any feedback on the various gametypes would be appreciated. Capture the Flag, Assault and Stockpile are only set up for red vs blue.​

    Thanks to those who playested and provided feedback on TRON and AFTERGLOW - Grant, Umberto, Ollie, Rob, Bob'n'Ted, Bradders and Firefly Benzu.​

    Thanks for looking!​

    #1 Damo, Nov 18, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2010
  2. Siegeforth

    Siegeforth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    First off, I really like the aesthetics and the mirroring "effect" you made. Secondly the gameplay is quite fun, but starting players with the plasma pistol or not having a lot on the map doesn't seem to work very well, also the addition of more dynamic cover or an impassible object might help. Keep up the great work
  3. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Tip: People [usually] don't like having to edit the default gametype settings just to play on a certain map. You could easily cope with this by placing down exclusively plasma weapons, and make these easy to pick up, but just remember that there are too many lazy people out there, and they'd just prefer the map straight up ready to rumble.

    Tip 2: Change the name. I know you're going for a Tron look, but as a name for a map you should look for something less... copyrighted (I don't know the word). But that doesn't mean you can't imply a Tron feel to the name. Examples could be: Cyberspace, Mainframe, ENCOM, Motherboard, MCP, RAM, etc. Plus, if you were to kindly release a V2, you wouldn't have to tag that ugly "V2", you could just change the name to around those lines.

    Comments: Effing pretty, Congrats for inventing "mirroring". The aesthetics alone are trippy, but not too distracting (such as a Distortion-type map). Can't say too much about it that that, other than "looking good is feeling good".
  4. Damo

    Damo Forerunner

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    Many thanks for the kind comments!

    It was a toss-up between TRON, NEON and AFTERGLOW - wish I'd gone for NEON now. I shall update the site with a second version called just that (unless people think another name would be better).

    I'll place a plasma pistol in each spawn bunker and put in a couple more plasma repeaters. They'll be no need to mess around with the gametype settings then. There's an option for 'map defaults' in the weapon settings, but you can't actually choose what those map defaults are for forge maps. Annoying.

    I'll also play around with the cover set-up. Do people have any suggestions for how it can be improved?
    Siegeforth - by dynamic cover I assume you mean make it easier and more natural to move from cover to cover - less open spaces? What do you mean by impassable object? I'll put something in each of the four corner grid squares - I feel they might be too open at the moment.

    Regarding the mirror effect - Frustratingly the object limit means I can't mirror the covenant energy shields and barriers. Also the buildings limit of 12 meant I had to construct 4 of the spawn-bunker mirror images out of columns and window pieces, which sapped a lot of my budget. Blast it!
  5. QTheDukeQ

    QTheDukeQ Forerunner

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    So, I got two friends of mine back when Halo 3 came out to go and buy Xbox's and start playing Halo in 2007. Since then we have played custom games with just the three of us at least 2-3 weekends a month for the past two and a half years and I have to say this is our new arena. Out of all the small playable maps I've seen this one is fantastic and absolute fun to play on. Plus the Tron theme doesn't hurt. This will constantly be in our playlist from here on out. Thank you sir for a wonderful creation. 10/10
  6. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Might I suggest Afterglow over Neon? Just my personal opinion. And do that, regarding the weapons, and remember that Plasma Rifles serve as more accurate alternatives to Plasma Repeaters, so you can mix it up a little. And remember that you can use other colors than blue and green, there was red and yellow in Tron too!
  7. Damo

    Damo Forerunner

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    Thankyou so much! That's made my day!
    Do you think there's anything that can be improved for version 2?
    Have you tried GHOST KING, or the map TRON RANDOMIZER with gametype TRON GLADIATORS yet? Feedback on these would be great.

    Firefly - thanks for making me undecided about the name now! I shall have to mull it over. About the colourscheme - I don't want to use too many different colours on the map as I think this risks being distracting for the players. I think the simple blue and green scheme with a dash of red works quite well.

    I will be posting version 1.5 tomorrow or Monday. Don't expect a big overhaul. I've only made a couple of small changes based on the feedback I've received so far.

    Speaking of which - many thanks to all who have posted! I intend to return the favours as soon as I've had my next custom game session with friends.
    #7 Damo, Nov 20, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2010
  8. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map is very nice...however people were getting upset because they were spawning below the map and the map was a little too chaotic with so many brute shots(I forgot what the versions in halo reachare called) and plasma grenadas flying everywhere...
  9. Damo

    Damo Forerunner

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    Are you sure it was TRON you played? There aren't any brute shots or concussion rifles on the map (except in the gametype GHOST KING which is supposed to be chaotic).

    I've played many games on this map and tested it fully and I have never spawned below the map. I don't see why that would happen. There aren't any stray spawn points down there.

    This map is always going to be a little chaotic - that's what it's designed for. Especially with large groups and especially on Elite Slayer. Some people like that kind of gameplay and others don't. That's fair enough. Depends what floats your boat.
  10. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Heeey.. Played this with you earlier today. I have a few points to make:
    1) While I now see that the ghosts in the center do not cause as much a distubance as I suspected, the overshield/explosive is an aesthetic blunder. While I know you have the explosive as a hazard for those risking an Overshield, you can still remember that the overshield is in the dead center of the map, and it is quite hazardous enough to get it.
    2) Scootch back the ghosts a couple inches or so back. I dunno why, but the overall tightness of it just also seems aesthetically a turnoff.
    3) Regarding the ghosts, tilt each of the ghosts 30 or 45 degrees to the right, and not only will the design look pretty, but each ghost will be able to boost forward upon being entered (you could just as well make the direction left, so long as you're consistant with it).
    4) While you should keep some of the explosive canisters, remove the other "covenant" pieces on the map, mainly the ones used as cover, because nothing says Tron and neon lighting like the covenant.
  11. DownfieldCrown

    DownfieldCrown Ancient

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    Hahaha floats your boat i loved that!!!! Awesome game really!!! Its cool when people try new things!!!
  12. Damo

    Damo Forerunner

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    Personally I don't see any problems aesthetically with the middle of the map. I will experiment with your suggestions though, thanks.

    Do you see what I mean now about the race for the ghosts and the overshield/neutral objective at the start? I think this is quite an interesting gameplay mechanic as everyone converges on the middle from all angles. The explosive and overshield are only present in slayer gametypes. In objective gametypes this is the location of the neutral objective. I know it's not conventional to have four ghosts in the middle, but this is not a conventional map - that's the point.

    This is not a map that takes itself seriously - it's just meant to be good fun and a laugh with mates. Is it allowable to post this in the casual forum as well? I'll post version 2 tomorrow and leave it at that. I don't want to spend too much time on this map - I just though I'd post it on Forgehub for the hell of it and to see what would happen.

    Why? I think the covenant barriers fit in quite nicely with the overall aesthetic of the map, and are more interesting than any alternatives. I'm not going for a 100% authentic TRON look. The map came first and the name second.
  13. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cool Concept!

    Really great look to this map. It was hard to play at times because theres so much going on visually all at once. We tried it with the lazers gametype from the Stopex lazer tag maps and it played really well. If you do a v2 use both grids and make it huge with maybe some contrasting areas that have solid floors.

    Cool map.


  14. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    This map looks totally amazing. I love the looks of it. It plays well. The aesthetics of the map are the first thing that the people would notice, the floor and the objects, ect. This has to be the best looking slayer map yet.
  15. Damo

    Damo Forerunner

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    Version 2

    Version 2 has just been posted - AFTERGLOW.

    There have been a number of small improvements.

    The addition of arches in the corners for more cover. Each one holds a plasma pistol so there are now 4 on the map - you are never too far from one if you need to take down a ghost.

    The 4 healthpacks in the spawn-bunkers have been replaced with 2 healthpacks - one on the strut of each bridge. These are much easier to find.

    The explosive in the middle has been removed - this was too much of a deterrent.

    2 more plasma repeaters have been added - there are now 4 on the map.

    Weapon placement, spare clips, and maximums have been fine-tuned.

    The map is now compatible with normal King of the Hill (static and crazy). Ghost King has been removed due to a bug which caused the hill to occasionally disappear.

    Gametype-specific objects which were clashing in forge have been moved or deleted. There are no longer any random explosions if the map is loaded up in basic editing mode in forge.

    If you downloaded TRON then please download AFTERGLOW (click here to download) and tell me what you think. I still welcome contructive criticism if a version 3 is required.

    Many thanks to those who provided feedback on TRON.
    #15 Damo, Nov 27, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2010
  16. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like your new implementation of the arches at the corner, and the new name. But I still think the ghosts bing in a swastika would enhance how people approach the ghosts, it would make it easier for the ghosts to take off (without needing to initially turn), and it would look a little cooler with the spiral symmetry.

    I want to check the gameplay to see how it's been modified before I download the map. Invite me when you're online.
    #16 Benzu Akamaru, Nov 27, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2010
  17. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I really like the mirroring thing. I may have to steal that if I can come up with a good reason to do so. :)
  18. Slamm Andrews

    Slamm Andrews Forerunner

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    What is keeping players from spawning and just throwing nades at the ghosts in the middle to get rid of them at the start? I like the idea a lot though, I may have to down load this.
  19. Nosirrom Mij

    Nosirrom Mij Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Damn, I could look at this map all day. That mirror effect alone is unique and deserves a feature in my opinion.
  20. Damo

    Damo Forerunner

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    This hasn't happened yet in playtesting, but I still need to get an 8 player game going on it. The most I've managed so far is 5.

    An 8 player game would also help to determine if I need to rotate the ghosts. At the moment there is good reason for the ghosts to all be facing inwards - it means you can shoot straight fowards upon entering and run over anyone going for the overshield. There's no problem with moving off - it's very easy to boost forwards now that the explosive is gone.

    If anyone can comment from game experience on these issues that would be great.

    NOTE - map link has been fixed.
    #20 Damo, Nov 28, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2010

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