Hi My GT is iFizzy, and this is my first forge map. I've played Halo 3, so I do have some forging experience. Here is Vindication! This is a TEAM SLAYER map only, but it will include more gametypes in the future. PLEASE give me feedback on my map, because I would love any CONSTRUCTIVE criticism to help make this map even better. Also, the pictures do not show all the details of the map, so download to see everything this map has to offer! Overview of the map, the water inside the rock-square is shallow enough to walk on. I was going for a guardian-esque layout and it seemed to work out okay. Mid Hall (Near to Red side): Blue base: Rainbow tunnel (There is a man cannon leading up the tunnel): Base near the water: Central Area: Red Base:
I really like the way you turned the circular dish into an oval. I had never thought of that. Keeps it nice and open as well!
Colors caught my eye right away. I know it was built for team slayer but I'm wondering how fun CTF would be on it.