This is a medium-sized symmetrical map inspired by the Traxus Tower Atrium from the Exodus campaign level. I made a few changes for gameplay's sake (especially the outer walkways), but the overall layout is very accurate. There are some random bars I couldn't get rid of (the windows) and the height of the doors in the middle leading out to the side platforms are not as high as I would have liked. Some aesthetic touches have been added and others removed (unfortunately no trees in the back of the map). I also did not get to make the atrium itself as wide as in the campaign, but the length is adequate. I believe this map has a good balance of gameplay and aesthetics. My personal favorites on this map so far are slayer, headhunter and one-flag. Anyway, let's get to the pics: Here is a view from the upper blue spawn area, where you enter the atrium in the campaign: This is beneath the previous level, leading to the fountain staircase: View from above the fountain staircase: Shotgun location, just like in campaign: From behind the grav lift which launches you to the top of the fountain statue: Here is the map from the outside (due to budget, I didn't elevate it as much as the tower in the campaign): Some platform views from outside of the atrium: Top mid, with sniper rifle in on the central walkway: A view of the defenders' starting area: And finally, a view of the statue: The weapons: 5x (or so) DMRs 1x shotgun 1x sniper rifle 1x needler 1x plasma repeater 1x plasma pistol 1x needle rifle 1x concussion rifle 1x grenade launcher Since I have not tested all of the game types mentioned above I would appreciate hearing about problems you run into. Any general feedback would be great too. For example: How are the spawns, weapon choice and placement, frame rate issues, etc.? Thanks for downloading!
I was waiting for someone to remake part of Exodus. Looks like it would work well with Team Slayer. Don't worry about the budget if you've done as much as you can, then it should be alright.
Looks awesome! The asthetics are freakin sweet, if only I had friends who played Halo to try this out...
Dude, as soon as I played Boardwalk, then went through the campaign, I always thought this part of the level would have been much better than boardwalk! Great minds think alike I suppose Will come back after testing for a rating
Nice job! It seems to be a pretty sweet map. It also reminds me a place in the Halo2 campaign on Halo Delta. A place with water on the floor and elite with active Camo... but I'm probably the only one who remembers this place
Thanks for the comments everybody. Yeah I remember the campaign level you're talking about. Maybe the designer of that part of the level designed exodus too. @GRIFFIN XIII: I agree, this part of the map was better than boardwalk, I'm not sure why they chose to make that a map when there wasn't even any fighting in that part of the campaign level, though I guess that doesn't matter. I think it would be easy for bungie to adapt more parts of the campaign to multiplayer maps. That's where they got most of their mulitplayer maps as it is.
I have played on this before, a tester had it and was showing maps he liked! Its a good small to medium sized map! Good game on 1 flag. Some nice details and plays well! Going to download now for my own copy
Yeah one flag is definitely one of my favorites on this map. It's nice to hear that people actually keep this in their repertoire of custom maps. If you or your tester friend has any criticisms, please let me know.
It's a shame it's not curved, but I like that you took a lot of time to bring this to us! Everything looks really smooth and well aligned. The exterior is a fun addition as well. New Alexandria was my favorite mission of the game. good work!
@ Grumpy Duckling: thanks, I'm always up for playing the map if you're interested. I believe you're thinking of different but similar part of the campaign. The curved "atrium" in the New Alexandria level is the Sino-Viet hospital I believe. I actually started to remake that in forge as well but got sidetracked with other projects. This map, however is from the Exodus level, the part where you first encounter brutes in the game. Thanks for the feedback though!