Update i added colors and changed the Dmr and Sniper rifle locations Launch Site Base after finishing Greenhouse, i started working on a construct/asylum mix but ran into trouble but while doing so i went on forge hub for some inspiration.However i read an interesting comment. Someone said they wanted more themed maps as alot of good forgers don"t make them enough .So i thought about it and came up with this.A rocket launch base site.The map takes place inside the base, However the rocket sits in the background and all its glory. Launch Site Base is a asymmetrical map with a rocket on the outside of the map as a major ascetic. Its a very crazy map where the battles constantly switch to multiple places at once I would have liked to do more with this but ran out of ideas. Suggestions and criticisms are most appreciated I am thinking of entering this into forgetacular contest and taking out my other map because it just seems to blend Weapons(everything has two spare clips except the shotgun) 2 dmrs 2 (70 seconds) sniper rifles (180 seconds) 1 shotgun(1 spare clip)(150 seconds) 2 needlers (90 seconds) 2 plasma repeaters (65 seconds) 1 plasma pistol (30 seconds) 1 magnum (30 seconds) 3 health packs Front of the Launch Base The rocket Please comment and give feed back so i can improve on it
Looks a little too confusing. There needs to be more visual queues so the player can determine where he spawns quickly. Colors help a lot, and simple blocks for decorations can do the same thing.
DL and looked around a bit I dl'ed and had a look around It took me a while to find the second DMR, it seems like with the snipers being in their current location it will be hard to break map control since once you pick it up you're all ready in prime location to use it. Also unless where was part of this map I didn't see this map is symmetrical, not asymmectrical. As if I drew a line down the middle and folded it everything lines up the same on both sides (or is at least mirror image) pardoning the neelder/pistol and some decorations. All that said looks like a really fun, fast paced map and the rocket on the outside is interesting asthetic as well
so you just want me to add more color? thats nothing major. I would have added more blocks but i ran out for land marks(recognizable structures) so i probably should change the DMr and sniper rifle locations? Also i though Asymmetrical meant that each side is different regardless of it being able to fold in half
Yeah you may want to reconsider the sniper spawns. If for no other reason then they are pretty much the only power weapons on the map, and thus give the two teams nothing to really fight over in terms of weapon map control. If you really want to keep the snipers, then it seems like the logical choice would be to put something in the center to draw people into fighting over it. Either a weapon like rockets, or even a powerup would work. Also, what is up with the little side ride rooms on blue side spawn? Were you having trouble with people on that side dying too quickly after respawn?
Just checked your update - I like it - the colors really makes it stand out more than before and I think the moved weapon spawns really change the dynamic of the way this map will play. In my opinion you have a really solid map on your hands.
the sniper isn"t the only power weapon. There is also a shotgun underground. Also no i was not having trouble with respawning. I just felt those rooms would work really well for respawning and maybe a grenade or two. It also lets you look at the rocket
The shotgun is not a power weapon in Reach. Not unless you are in very close quarters combat. Even that underground area doesn't make it powerful.
Well maybe its just a matter of opinion but i consider it a power weapon.I don"t"t know maybe its just me?
Sweet. Right. First off the things I love- + The space feels right. A ton of maps don't feel like real places and this one is going in the right direction to do just that. + The Size is nice and tight. Keeping the action happening with default AR/Pistol is just a matter of size. You have it just right methinks. +Cool rocket! What Could use improvement- - The Dead end rooms on the sides of the team initial spawn zones. Deadends are bad for damn near all gametypes, they lead to grenade spam and zombie bunkers. -The cover in the basement. It could be less lengthy, with more of it. That would get a more fast-paced cat and mouse type gameplay that the shotgun would be wonderful for. -On the red side swap the stairs you have for ramps and your players will love you. -You cannot drop into the side spawn rooms from top blue like you can from red, that'll piss blue guys off. -The center could use a bit more cover... Maybe add a few pillars around the edge of the planter? Then the little tiny things that make all the difference- *There's a bump at the bottom of the basement ramps, raise the floor a teensy bit. *The cover on the top walkways is massive, given the bonus they have already for elevation. Maybe drop it down some to still cover their heads, but allow more space for nades to get in. *I'd love to see the cover in the basement turned into crates, actually. They're smaller, and would add to the aesthetics of the place. Also, you might think me a prick for doing this, but I made a quick edit to show you what I mean. Use it, scrap it, I don't care.