After the GFWL revamp last week they are putting a lot more things on sale to compete with steam and D2D. Bioshock $2 Day6 - Games For Windows Bioshock2 50% Cookies must be allowed - Games For Windows Age of empires 3 (ten cents!!!!) EDIT: they have run out of AoE3 keys if you have bought and i will not work you must call there support Age of Empires III - Games For Windows great way to use up some extra MS points.
****ing awesome bro, thanks man i just bought it, 160 ms points is really ****ing cheap, so worth it.
Just found age of empires 3 in on sale as well for 10 cents!!! Age of Empires III - Games For Windows
I was excited when I saw this. Then I realised: A) I have no MS points... B) My laptop cant run ****. D: But still, 10 msp for AOE 3 is a steal.
It's a daily sale so it will be over after today and you can't buy the games with MS points, you have to use real money but if you want to put it in terms of MS points then you can go ahead with it.
That's sick dude, thanks for the heads up! EDIT: Damn it, if only I had known about these sales earlier this week I would've picked up some other titles as well [br][/br]Edited by merge: Anyone know where to find the CD keys for AoE 3?
Wow... AoE3 Complete Collection for 10 msp? I bought it- even though my current computer doesnt run it well so I have to wait till christmas.
from what i understand it just started this weekend and will continue for the rest of the week EDIT: they have run out of AoE3 keys if you have bought and i will not work you must call there support