Lol, no this map is great for 1v1, and I'm going to be using it as part of the UKG 1v1 league, however, I am doing another build for that which works better for it. If you want that send me a pm and I'll give you a link when it is done.
This map looks very well made. I love the simple layout. Sometimes the most simple of layouts are the most fun to play on. I will definitely DL this and get back to you.
Amazing, i love the power core looking thing in the middle, very well interlocked, and very well executed, 5/5
the map looks good seems as how u used a very simple idea, its small but looks like allot of fun in my opinion u hav used to many weapons in such a small place
Map: Radiation Author: Dynamic Echo Reviewed by: Matty Enjoyment: 7/10 We initially played the map in a game of S.W.A.T, but although it was very fun, we found it quite repetative. We then played a game of 2v2 Slayer with BR starts. The round was very intense. It was a great feeling of tension, in that stepping out of cover could mean a very quick death, or a very quick kill, depending on how tactical you went about it. Overall, all 4 of us really enjoyed the map. Balance: 6/10 The weapons are quite balanced. Nothing is too overpowering. We played with Battle Rifle starts, which meant that the AR's you placed were very effective, which was very interesting. The Plasma Rifle seemed to be the weapon of choice, especially with so many lying around. Durability: 6/10 You cant get outside of the map. There is a roof over everything. The spawns seemed ok, at some occasions you would spawn in a bad place, but given the map size there isnt much you could do to prevent it. Aesthetics: 7/10 The interlocking is pretty tidy. Some of the areas are a little bumpy, and it shows especially since the map is so small. The central area is very well interlocked, and promotes some interesting combat. The centre piece is very interesting. It looks very nice and is also a good feature for the map, allowing the player to see the enemy across the other side, but is unable to shoot. Originality: 7/10 I havn't seen a small map perfected like this one in a long time. And i havnt seen a map that creates such an enclosed feel since Reactor Core back in the 1v1. This map has many original features, like the central area. Playing in the 2v2 we found it hugely tactical. We were using strategies i have not seen done before, and which were very exciting, and kept me tense throughout the entire game. Although, at some points it starts to feel a little bland. The side corridors seem a little 'squarey' and simple, but the curve area inside the 2 spawns is a very nice shape made out of the single boxes. Overall score (Average of the above): 7/10 This map played very well, and is a credit to ForgeHub. For a small map, this really is a great piece of work. The 2v2 games were incredibly intense throughout. The central area is very well put together, and the shield doors offer for some interesting gameplay. The spawn system could be improved, and some of the weapons could be tweaked or removed. Finally, some of the interlocking could be slightly improved to make it smoother to run on.
Thankyou Matty, your comments have been taken into account and I will begin work on an improved version over the summer (I have exams at the moment). I do agree that the PR is a little bit too powerful, but myeh.
from the pictures it looks like a fun map to play, maybe il down soon and check it out and come back with a better comment..
This looks crazy! I downloaded it and it plays as well as it looks! We were supposed o play 1 game in it but we ended up playing 3! Most definately 5/5
Did you not see the last post date? It was from way back in May. That's a necropost, and that's a valid reason for an infraction.
I have to say thanks for the positive comments guys but I think we should leave this alone to let new maps get publicity.