Remake Lockout

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Bobby Kraft, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. Bobby Kraft

    Bobby Kraft Forerunner

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    Ok so I have seen all the posts about an accurate playable for reach version of lockout (I use the term version lightly) I made a pretty accurate remake of lockout and only had to make some minor adjustments to fit reachs lowered jump height. I attempted to get all line of sight correct also along with including all the hidden jumps and hiding spots. If anyone has any suggestions on improvements or alterations plz feel free to let me know.

    *my opinion of what remake means- a near perfect replica of a prior state aka re-made, to make again.


    ***MORE PICS ON SECOND PAGE OF POST*** (i was unable to move them to this first page, dont worry it wont happen again on future posts)
    #1 Bobby Kraft, Nov 19, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2010
  2. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello, I'm not sure but I don't think this post is going to work, I don't think it will get much interest, all u have is 1 pic and a poor description, and. Request in title. me that basically says I can't be bothered. If u want this map good. Make it yourself. Need to put more effort in man. Not trying to be harsh just being honest.

    Edited by merge:
    #2 timmypanic, Nov 20, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2010
  3. LeonVIII

    LeonVIII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i agree that he needs more pictures but i dont think he means it the way u think i dont think its like he doesnt want to be bothered i think he still on board and willing to make alteration with hands on help from the people who make the suggestion then again i can be wrong it just how i see it...i think u need to post list of weapons and jumps u already have down ....from what i see it looks pretty good i gotta take another look to make sure but yeah it would help with more pics but from what i can see it looks clean
  4. Bobby Kraft

    Bobby Kraft Forerunner

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    I look at it this way... I use an easy description, if you are one of the people looking for a good remake then you will download it and look for yourself (not just read a description) It's lockout, what more do I need to say when you can easily look, its accurate. I'm sorry I dont know all the "B1-B3..yada yada" when pertaining to the jumps and such. I know this: When I make a remake its gonna be accurate or I'm not gonna submit it or try to "advertise it" again... its lockout, not almost lockout, not inspired by lockout, just lockout from halo 2. I'm not trying to be harsh but since I have been here all I get is people judging before they even download my maps... I'm no pro at presentation, sorry for that but I do make good remakes. I'm looking for any CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISM ON MY MAP not on how I post or the lack of pictures or a lengthy desciption. None of those things help to make the map any better.... ya feel me?

    -its lockout from halo2
    -all weapons are the same as halo 2 (*only dmr's in place or br's)
    -I added small things or altered only SLIGHTY parts of the map to allow for gameplay to run the same as halo 2
    -I'm willing to co-forge or accept input on any improvements so ALL have a GOOD lockout.
  5. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If the map in your eyes still isn't complete, you shouldn't really have posted this to the map database. You also can't have anything but the maps name in the Title, so you could of ideally named the map LockIn, Blockout etc... anything that isn't already over used.

    Also, to get people to download your map is the hardest part of forums. It requires people to put in some effort to obtain your map by redirecting to a different site, signing in, clicking the download box, then going to their xbox to play it. Showing only one picture, doesn't spur many people to do this. If you put a few more pictures up, showing places like shotgun tunnel, bottom mid, BR tower etc... you might find you get a few more downloads.
  6. bmurf

    bmurf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I noticed that you used the word "playable." I have not downloaded this map yet, because I have one question:
    Does it lag?
    To date, the most accurate Lockout remakes are un- "playable" due to poor framerate.
  7. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Alright man I wasn't as I said trying to be rude, I said what I said because if you r putting in all that effort in your map, why not take the time to add more good pictures to get interest, In my experience u need 1 showing whole map, and a couple showing rooms and nice features you may have made. I'm not faulting your capability to make maps I just think you should take bit more time to present them. Because end of the day you could make the best map ever, but if people don't know about it they wont download it...And after all... we all want our maps downloaded.
    #7 timmypanic, Nov 20, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2010
  8. PeteTacular 42

    PeteTacular 42 Forerunner

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    I haven't downloaded this map yet, but here is my problem with most remakes: maps that are meant to be played on a previous Halo game tend to play differently on reach. When you say it's a near perfect replica, that makes me think 'does that make it play at its best for reach gameplay or does it simply not work with the new mechanics implemented in reach?' I have seen lots of fails because people focus too much on detail rather then gameplay, and you end up with problems like frame-rate lag. In the end, if your map lags, no one is going to care how accurate it is. So if you think it doesn't need a description other then, 'its lockout-- deal with it.' well then frankly, I don't give a damn.
  9. Bobby Kraft

    Bobby Kraft Forerunner

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    Ok I just spent an hour taking screenshots and attempting to update this post with more pics... I did but just like other times I have tried to make a lengthy post I keep getting auto logged out before I can even finish the post. I log back in and LOSE ALL THE WORK I JUST DID.

    I am still going to try tto load them again but I am doing them one at a time so this does not keep happening...
  10. PeteTacular 42

    PeteTacular 42 Forerunner

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    I've got a suggestion for you-- if you keep getting auto logged out, then write a draft on text edit or Microsoft Word and copy and paste it to your post.

    Hope that helps your issue.
  11. Bobby Kraft

    Bobby Kraft Forerunner

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    *Midlle to Sniper Jump- I only had to lower the railing .2 (just a bit) to allow for this jump to be made with default settings


    *Middle Top- I have the glass in the center


    *Blue Room (room with grav lift) looking into shotgun- I added the crate in place of the small box that was once there to allow players to get above the doorway


    *Back of Sniper Tower- The ledge on the back of the sniper tower is there and is accessible


    *Side of Sniper Tower- Please take notice that I did include the ledge on the side


    *View from on top of the BR tower


    *Ramp on the back of the BR tower- I built this area maiking sure that I have the correct line of sight over to the sniper tower.


    *View from the elbow ramp over to the BR tower- I also tried to keep the line of sight correct here as well.


    *Blue Room (room with the grav lift)- I adjusted the top of the lift to make it so the players land in the same spot when they go up the lift as they landed in halo 2


    *Middle Bottom Room- This room seems to be a trouble spot in other versions I have seen of lockout. I have the angle of the walls within about 5 degrees of their original angle and I also made sure to include the small ledge near the hole down to the shotgun.


    *View from Triple Room looking into Center


    *Ramp from Blue room to Middle Bottom- There is another identical ledge on the other side of the ramp too.


    *Top of the Blue room- You will take a small amount of fall damage when jumping down to the elbow from up here.


    *View from the bottom floor of BR tower thru middle bottom over to sniper bottom.
    I did remove the railing in between the middle bottom room and this room to allow players to make the jump across


    *View from Mid level of BR tower looking into the middle top


    *** Now since it seems I was unclear on my intentions for posting this map let me clarify some things:

    I make remakes based on two factors and base the rest off of that without compromising either aspect. I want the map to be a near perfect replica of its prior version while also only making small adjustments to fit reachs gameplay. I am new to forums and posting maps (so plz bear with in that regard) but I am quickly learning that people are lazy lol (thats not lashing out its just the truth). I made this map Team slayer ready since I think it will test the map best and you do not need to change any game options, just download the map, play a game of team slayer and please grant me your feedback. I posted this map with the intent that WE (we being forgehub) can as a community get the mnaps I know we all would like. I would like any and all constructive critism on the map. I expect that to include anyhting I may have missed, improvements to any jumps or alterations I may have made, any suggestions on how I can eliminate some pieces in place of others to help with framerate issues and any other input that would be helpful in "perfecting" (<-- lightly used) the map.

    In conclusion, this is 15 pics, a decent description of the map and everything I am going to put into this post. If you cannot take the 2 minutes to download the map and look at it then I probably don't want your opinions. So if your going to just read this and judge it solely by the pictures or just comment on the way I post then I would appreciate it if you just didn't reply with anything at all since it will do nothing to help better the map in any way.
    #11 Bobby Kraft, Nov 20, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2010
  12. PeteTacular 42

    PeteTacular 42 Forerunner

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    Okay, I went ahead and downloaded it to take a look at how it played. As I pretty much expected, there was frame-rate lag. It almost seems unavoidable-- I take a look at lots of Lockouts and Guardians and they all have that problem. I think it's a mixture of lighting effects and lots of pieces interlocking with each other (and no, I didn't just view the map in forge mode because I understand that has an even worse affect on lag).

    My suggestion would be to make a version without lights and go around figuring how not to interlock/geo-merge so many pieces. For example, you have this floor set down (the place lowest to the ground level where snipe tower is) and you use 2 double wide walls but then the 3rd piece laid out are 2 single walls meshed together. Why not make it a 3rd double wall for consistency? I realize it makes a tiny ledge on the outside of the path when placing a double wall, but you could put a small soft kill zone if you're worried it creates camping.

    Also, I have an important question-- did you take any ideas off other peoples version of lockout or is it completely your own? I've noticed it has lots of resemblance to this version I've seen on forge hub by Ecutioner (user name with random caps), and it's pretty important you mention if you had inspiration or else you're claiming all ideas were your own. Just search 'L' under competitive maps and you should see his map posted there.
    #12 PeteTacular 42, Nov 21, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2010
  13. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello! Good that u have added more pictures, seen few places I like the look at that makes me want to download and take a closer look at, I am not totally familiar with lockout...I have played it but it was years ago... I played more halo 1 and 3 than halo 2. So can't say if its a good remake or not, but it looks like a good map! Will download now. Good job
  14. Bobby Kraft

    Bobby Kraft Forerunner

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    ty pet and timmy for your feedback. Pete you are definately correct about the framerate thing its almost unavoidable for a lockout remake it seems. I'm thinking about making a lockout style map and I plan on keeping it within $6000- $7000 budget as an alternate project. Now to address your question about the maps origins (lol this is a doosy). Since i have been having trouble getting auto logged that info had been accidentally omitted. There is several people to thank for the map, for starters XEcUtiONeR- I used his lockout as my starting point. I felt like he had the map closest to what i remember. I also used IIMAKYII's lockout for reference when adjusting the elbow ramp and the room under the sniper. (he got the corner with the plasma rifle well proportioned). ash55 is to thank for reminding me how exactly the middle bottom room was supposed to be. I didnt use his design for it but it did remind me that i needed to make sure to include the small ledge over the hole to the shotgun. C y p h 3 r z Z set up for the top middle and the placement of the glass helped me to get my glass in the middle (using a combo of 2x2's and 2x1's (and i still think his came out nicer looking lol) Also C y p h 3 r z Z's grav lift helped me to recall the landing spot a player lands on when coming up the grav lift (if you recall you pretty much landed in the doorway on top) Also between C y p h 3 r z Z's and XEcUtiONeR's BR tower I decided to leave in the small inclines they both added to the front to allow for that jump to be made with default settings (that helped tremendously since that double room piece really cant be moved down since it would mess the whole map up). And finally my RL friends CRUMMYPRO, Xselence, LifePartnerWink, and Stinksword who have brought there xbox over several times so I can see H2's lockout firsthand and for helping with piece selection and basically being here to look over my shoulder while forging at times. And one last person I should mention who didnt have any influence on the map or making it but he did inspire me to post it and try to get the communtiy to pitch in. Str8ghFlush posted a while back that he wanted to make a good lockout and he also stated how he had been seeing the demand for a decent one. To Str8ghFlush I thank you for you inspired me to try to post this conglomeration of about what is now about ten people. I know I used the term "my" several times in this post and it is MY map and not MY map... I want it to be our map ya feel me. One lockout playable with default settings so all can DL and just play no muss no fuss. I apologize for not getting all the info out there.. I type so damn slow that i get auto logged everytime before I post so I now use a suggestion I just recieved a tip about using wordpad to draft up my messages. After trying to post this map originally 3 times I got a bit aggravated and just wanted to get the map up. That is probably the reason I initially responded to pete and timmy's post with a quick "take it or leave it" answer. Again my many thanks to IIMAKYII, ash55, XEcUtiONeR, C y p h 3 r z Z, CRUMMYPRO, Xselence, LifePartnerWink, PeteTacular 42 and Timmypanic. <---- all gamertags exact. some of these boys make some sweet maps check them out!
  15. PeteTacular 42

    PeteTacular 42 Forerunner

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    LoL Well. . .thanks for clearing that up for me. I'll be looking forward to your lockout inspired map project.

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