THE BRIDGE Created by FEAR Da BliTZz Supported Gametypes: Outbreak (CustomGametype) Invasion Map Description A long UNSC Bridge with a defence system that can stop armies getting through before most of the shields and the power was knocked offline. Now you must defend your bridge for as long as possible from the flood (only in Outbreak Mode) But be warned, if they get into the base and conquer it, there is no chance of succeeding. The Flood Spawn... Phase 1 Headshot Phase 2 Side Capture Point Centre Capture Point Phase 3 FTW Capturing the Final Point Overview Well that's all, In the very close future I hope to be uploading a new version of this map which works with all gametypes. But for now I hope you download and enjoy Comment constructive criticism for improved versions Download The Bridge Download Outbreak
First off, I like the idea of an Infection/Invasion hybrid. The one thing that I most certainly don't like, however, is how you handled the Invasion half of this game. Having all "Hill" phases tends to make maps repetitive and boring, and the "Infected" seem to always be at a disadvantage map-wise. It seems that most areas were almost built to purposely frustrate the "Infected". My recomendation would be to keep the Gametype, but rework or completely throw out the map and make a new one with ample cover, better placed Capture Zones, and a final phase that isn't Capture the Hill. Cheers, HarisSales.
I can sort out the cover but the point of them all being territories is because is meant to represent the infection spreading along as zombies wouldn't have need for a core