TRANSIT "Up the escalators and down the tracks, an exit is what this station lacks" Transit is a 4v4 asymmetrical map, themed around a Subway Station. It's main influence is Rat Race from Halo CE, one of my favorite Halo maps of all time. The simple layout being very easy to comprehend, along with the sexy aesthetics of a subway immerse the player in the environment so well that they will enjoy the games on Transit even if getting destroyed. The general layout of Transit is a large ring that is only broken by by the train tracks into the tunnel and up the service ladder into green. The Rocket Launcher is the star of this map. It is placed on top of the train at the end to up the difficulty of controlling them. Do NOT let the other team get them at all cost. Video: YouTube - Halo: Reach Forge Map "Transit" HD Flythrough Thanks Spade! Halo Reach Forge Map: Transit Video - Halo 3 Game - MLG Game Room@@AMEPARAM@@ Gametypes: -Team Slayer -3 Plot Territories -Team Oddball -KotH(when it is fixed) Item List: DMR - 3 - 10sec NR - 2 - 30sec Magnum - 2 - 30sec Plasma Repeater - 2 - 60sec Plasma Pistol - 1 - 90sec Needler - 1 - 60sec Frags - 4 - 30sec Plasmas - 2 - 30sec GLauncher - 1 - 120sec Rockets - 1 - 180sec Pictures: Conclusion: This map has been a blast to make. The most difficulty i've ran into is tweaking the spawns in Reach. I wouldn't say the spawns on Transit are perfect, but I have spent much more time adjusting them than most would. This design was meant to be something new, something different to the competitive Reach world. I don't expect everyone to like this map for it's gameplay. I'm sure there are some flaws at higher levels of play, however this map should serve to entertain you and yours for hours. BIG THANKS TO ALL MY TESTERS!!!!You guys have all been amazing, dealing with me putting you through multiple games over and over to test the spawns. The map wouldn't be where it is without you guys. FEEDBACK: ........leave some. Download MLG version! TRANSIT
Godamnit, looks like you beat me to it. I was going to make a train station similar to this. Looks awesome and from my impressions of the video, it looks like there is some solid n' fun gameplay. Great work!
Wow, this looks like great fun. The corridors look like they have enough space to jump around in, and the layout seems like a mixture of Orbital and Turf which really appeals to me. I also love how you made the tracks out of stunt ramps... very impressive man.
The map is mainly inspired by Rat Race, however it does have similarities to Orbital and Turf as well. Please gets some games on it and come back with some feedback guys. Thanks.
this map looks great ..Downloaded eariler still need to check it out though ... will post feedback later.....Though its giving me some ideas for my map im working on currently that resembles construct mixed with asylum
Wow man, I am truly impressed with this map. The aesthetics are top-notch and from the gameplay video, the map seems to flow well. The map gives me great nostalgia from the map Subway from Gears of War 2. Or maybe it was called something else? idk it doesn't matter. You have truly inspired me to forge greatness. EDIT: BTW, I love how you have a theme to the map. Most forgers these days do not.
Wow this map looks really cool! I really like how the walls always have like a rail on them. If I were you though, I would make like a cover on the elevator part, because I think it looks kinda strange just having shields floating there...
Sadly, your video does not work in my country due to Sony blocking it. I'm looking forward to seeing how your vision of a train terminal compares to mine. Loving it all the same. Beautiful aesthetics.
If only I could get on today, or tomorrow. Nonetheless, I've decided to take a more in-depth look at this map, and hopefully I'll be able to get back to you with a full review soon.
I gave it a go earlier today. Unfortunately, for a 4v4 it came off as a bit small... I'd imagine this would work majestically as a 2v2 map though... Granted the rockets are nerfed of course. Regardless, the aesthetics are beautiful and I appreciate what you've put into this. A beautiful map all the same.
I'll add a link to the gameroom vid since some countries can't view the youtube version when I get home. Also, thats the first time i've heard someone say the map is a bit small. It's roughly 30 units by 27 units taking up almost the whole colliseum.
I agree, this map plays really fast and is a bit small for 4v4, but it seems like it would fit 2v2 like a glove. The creativity that went into it, however, is awesome. I love the information screens. If you have no budget/framerate issues, you might consider expanding the map to make it roomier for 4v4. Great work!
I'm sorry, but the community I come from...the faster paced, the better. Nobody wants to watch/play a slow paced map in the competitive world cause it gets too slow and boring. This map is definately fast paced, but it is not because of the size, but because of the layout. It forces players toward eachother constantly by design. I hope that makes sense. I will be hosting some games on this map tomorrow around 5 or 6pm pacific. If you'd like to play and give feedback, but can never get enough people, here is your chance. I'll post here again before I open the party up. I hope to see some of you there tomorrow, I would really appreciate the feedback.
really great map. the concept alone sells it...and it runs at a great frame rate....unlike so many other maps i seem to get.
This is a very very very very very good map. i love how well you put the theme in, the map plays disturbingly well to. It's nice to see MLG guys forging more for aesthetics than just gameplay I think I willl nominate this for a feature actually good job.
This map shows that even a simple design can with some awsome theme can bring joy to your heart. This map shows how a simple circule can play vary complicated
Dang. I'd be there if I could. I think it comes from the Halo:CE fan in me. In the original game, there were a few maps that were both indoors and large in size, and it was easy to turn radar off and it made for more of a thriller experience because of sneaking and trying to get the jump on the enemy. Not knowing if they were watching you was as much fun as shooting at them. There were other maps that created the hair-on-fire-guns-blazing games, and the balance was good. From Halo2 onward, the sneaky tactical element has been lost. Reach got some of it back, but I'm always looking for those kinds of maps. Anyway, it's a compliment. Your design is awesome and it brought back the Halo:CE nostalgia. Thumbs way up.