EDIFICE Edifice is a well thought out symmetrical map which centralizes a 3-story structure. Both red and blue bases are opposite each other and adjacent to the building. This map is designed specifically to work well with red vs. blue team game types but supports all the listed types. WEAPONS standard 30 second respawn and 2 spare clips unless otherwise stated -DMR x 6 -Grenade Launcher x 1 60 sec 1 spare clip -Sniper x 2 60 sec 1 spare clip -Rocket Launcher x 1 60 sec 1 spare clip -Energy Sword x 1 60 sec 1 spare clip -Gravity Hammer x 1 60 sec 1 space clip -Needler x 2 -Plasma Grenade x 6 15 sec PICTURES & DESCRIPTION Overview- Large structure can be seen in the center, red base to the far left and blue base to the top right. Notice the man cannons to the roof. Blue Base- To the right is the blue base interior which consists of several small exposed rooms, a bridge to the second floor interior building and a rear access ramp from floor 1-2 farthest away from the viewing plane. Interior- Each base is adjacent to a second floor balcony with sniper perch that face each other and are separated by a large open space. Seen to the right is the lift to the roof. Opposite the lift in the center is the glass entrance which is accessed under the front staircase facing the edge of the cliff. Roof- The roof can be accessed via lift, man cannon or the front steps all previously mentioned. It has an unobstructed view of either teams balcony to help regulate campers. Balcony- Opposite the frontal stairs is the rear balcony facing the cliff face. Each Teams rear access ramps can be seen which have views of each other. This is an ideal location to travel by jetpack. The grid signifies a death zone and will kill anyone who falls. Courtyard- The courtyard is the side opposite the balcony side. It features the staircase and tunnel access to the building. Hanging off the edge is a central structure that helps divide the lines of sight. Entrance- The entrance courtyard to the first floor of the building (right), the tunnel (behind view), the corridors/ramps(top) to the bases and the man cannon to roof (top left), and a door to the courtyard (left) As with most maps the only true way to see it is in person. Enjoy the map, feedback is very much appreciated.
I really like Empire, so Im looking forward to checking this out as well. Interesting idea with such a large central structure. Sounds like a little too many power weapons, but Ill reserve judgments until I get some action in. I'll be back
The first thing that caught my eye on this map was its unique height variation and how well it flowed from bottom to top. The second thing that caught my eye was the spawn times of the power weapons. They seem to spawn too fast for a 4v4 Slayer game, but I'll take a walk around in this and give some more feedback when I can about it.
Thanks, I can't say I recommend some of the gametypes besides slayer and ctf seeing as I'm still new to setting up gametypes. I'm still learning, some of the gametypes don't even work here sadly but I'll fix it eventually.
Hello again! Another good looking map! Well placed stucture and aesthetically pleasing too. With setting game types, on most game types I have 2 of everything using the the objectives, set them to be true as game spercific on each game mode so you can see where you are and what needs editing on each game type. On assault you need to use capture plates for bomb and goal and use hill marker objective tool for spawning and almost all other game types (infection - invasion etc) flag stands for ctf. Also on invasion you need to set 3 objective goals ...ctf , capture plate, hill marker. And set them to spawn in order for invasion (1 - 2 - 3) also on each map set waypoint to visible through forge and it should inherit on custom games. Can also do this individually from the forge for what weapons you start on each game.Hope this helps
Thanks for the advice, I think I got down the majority of gametypes now, at least the basics. Invasion is one I have just avoided because unless the map was made specially for it, it won't be a true invasion experience. This particular map works best on CTF or team slayer.